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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Kwong Tong Cementery Management Office
Kwong Tong Cemetery Management Office

{{$t("More info on this event")}}




Event Tee

Medal Design

Prize Award 

Route Map 21km

Route Map 10 Km

Route Map 5 Km

Race Pack Collaction

Event Tentative


Kwong Tong Cementery Management Office
Kwong Tong Cemetery Management Office

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

Rules & Regulations 参赛规则与条例 


1. Jogathon Warisan 2018 is open to all Malaysian ONLY. 只开放给大马公民参赛。
2.Once registration has been duly processed, the registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE. 一旦报名成功,报名费将无法退还或转让。
3. Organizer reserve the right to limit and refuse entry.主办单位有权拒绝报名。
4.The Organizer reserves the right to close the registration before the closing date or when have reached the maximum entries for the safety concern.主办单位有权于报名截止前或已达到报名人数,因考量安全因素暂停接受报名。
5.Participants are strictly not allowed to transfer their race entry to another party or change race category after their registration is confirmed.一旦报名成功,参赛者不得转让其名额于他人或更换组别。
6. Category K /OKU Only hand operated wheelchair is allowed and must have at least 10 participants before start. L 组別或残障组: 只接受能操作手动轮椅者参与, 及参赛者达10人方可进行比赛。

Running bibs/ Timing Chips 号码布 / 计时芯片
1. All participants MUST wear the allocated running bib number which must be visibly pinned up in front of the t-shirt provided in the race pack. 所有参赛者务必把主办单位提供的号码布佩戴于胸前。
2.Participants will be DISQUALIFIED for not wearing his/her bib numbers. 无佩戴号码布的参赛者将被取消得奖资格。
3. For 21Km (category A,B, C only) MUST wear bib number and timing chip.21KM参赛者务必佩戴号码布及计时芯片。

Finisher medal 奖牌: 
1. For 21km participants (category A,B,C only) who successfully complete the race in 4 hours will be awarded a finisher’s medal upon presentation of their running bib and timing chip to the respective officials at the end point counter.21km 参赛者(A、B、C组)顺利于4小时内完成路程,到终点站柜台向工作人员出示号码布及计时芯片,即可获得。
2. Limited amount and on a first-come, first-served basis for 10km and 5km category. 10km与5km组别的赛事奖牌数额有限,先到先得。 3.All finisher’s medal must be collected on race day. NO request thereafter will be entertained.奖牌必须于活动当天领取,事后将不受理。 

Race Pack 赛事包:
1. All participants MUST bring the confirmation slip or receipt for collecting their race kit. For those who fail to display the confirmation slip or receipt will not be entertained.所有参赛者必须携带回条或收据以领取赛事包。否则,将不被受理。
2. Only can collect on 7, 8, 14 & 15 April 2018 (Saturday & Sunday) ,9:00am – 5:00pm (Break: 12:30pm – 1:30pm), for who fail to come on that time will not be entertained. 请于以下时间领取;2018年4月7,8,14及(周六、日),早上9时至5时正(12时30分1时30分休息),其余时间恕不受理。
3. Kindly note that requests for changes in sizes will not be entertained. Any kind of modification to the running T- shirt will not be permitted.任何更换尺码的要求,主办单位不会受理。大会指定T恤不得有任何更改。 

1. All participant must follow the path along the race course without taking any shortcuts (unless instructed by the volunteers) . 所有参赛者必须依照指定路线不得取道捷径(除非得到志工的指示)。
2.Any participant caught violating this rule by taking a shortcut or hopping on a vehicle, did not pass checkpoint will be DISQUALIFIED.任何参赛者违反规定走捷径或使用交通工具,没有经过检查站皆被取消得奖资格。
3. At certain points of the race, RELA may redirect you from the race course for safety purposes. Always follow the instructions of the RELA to avoid untoward incidence.在特定路程,RELA可能因安全因素提供指引。请随时依循RELA的指示以避免任何意外。
4. The Organizer shall not be held responsible for any accidents, deaths, injuries or mishaps that, may occur to the participant before, during or after the event. However, the necessary precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of all participants during the race. 主办单位不对活动前,期间或活动后所发生的任何事故,死亡,伤害或意外事故负责。但是,将采取必要的预防措施以确保所有参加者在比赛期间的安全。
5. 21 km category ranking will be based on timing chip.21km组的得奖排名将依据计时芯片显示抵达终点的时间为准。
6. The Organizer reserves the right of FINAL DECISION. 主办方保留最终决定权。
7. The Organizer reserves the right to modify or substitute any of these terms and conditions and any other rules and regulations of the event at any given time as the Organizer deem fit or necessary without prior notice.本规则如有未尽善指出,主办单位有权增删之。


1 )I/We declare, as a condition of entry into Jogathon Warisan, that I have undertaken sufficient training for the event and that I am not aware of any illess, injury, physical disability or impairment which may cause me injury or death during or as a consequence of participation in the event. Do not compete if you have been sick or have had a viral infection in the two weeks prior to race day

2) I/We accept full responsibility for informing myself and assessing all the dangers, hazards and risks of entry in the event and will rely solely on my own assessment of these before participating in the event. The decision to participate in the event is entirely my own and I accept all risks associated with participation in the event.

3) I/We agree to abide by all event terms and conditions by obeying all directions and instruction given by even committee and police.

4) Jogathon Warisan reserves the right to change or modify any part of the event including date, course and location at any time without personal notice. Details of any such changes will be published on the Jogathon Warisan Website, FB or any other media.

5) Jogathon Warisan reserves the rights to reject or cancel my entry at any time.

6) The event referee's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

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The Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall

Scan & Share

Jogathon Warisan 2018

Kwong Tong Cementery Management Office
Kwong Tong Cemetery Management Office
0 Days
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0 Seconds

Event Expired

Ticket Information



Event Tee

Medal Design

Prize Award 

Route Map 21km

Route Map 10 Km

Route Map 5 Km

Race Pack Collaction

Event Tentative


Kwong Tong Cementery Management Office
Kwong Tong Cemetery Management Office

Terms and Condition

Rules & Regulations 参赛规则与条例 


1. Jogathon Warisan 2018 is open to all Malaysian ONLY. 只开放给大马公民参赛。
2.Once registration has been duly processed, the registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE. 一旦报名成功,报名费将无法退还或转让。
3. Organizer reserve the right to limit and refuse entry.主办单位有权拒绝报名。
4.The Organizer reserves the right to close the registration before the closing date or when have reached the maximum entries for the safety concern.主办单位有权于报名截止前或已达到报名人数,因考量安全因素暂停接受报名。
5.Participants are strictly not allowed to transfer their race entry to another party or change race category after their registration is confirmed.一旦报名成功,参赛者不得转让其名额于他人或更换组别。
6. Category K /OKU Only hand operated wheelchair is allowed and must have at least 10 participants before start. L 组別或残障组: 只接受能操作手动轮椅者参与, 及参赛者达10人方可进行比赛。

Running bibs/ Timing Chips 号码布 / 计时芯片
1. All participants MUST wear the allocated running bib number which must be visibly pinned up in front of the t-shirt provided in the race pack. 所有参赛者务必把主办单位提供的号码布佩戴于胸前。
2.Participants will be DISQUALIFIED for not wearing his/her bib numbers. 无佩戴号码布的参赛者将被取消得奖资格。
3. For 21Km (category A,B, C only) MUST wear bib number and timing chip.21KM参赛者务必佩戴号码布及计时芯片。

Finisher medal 奖牌: 
1. For 21km participants (category A,B,C only) who successfully complete the race in 4 hours will be awarded a finisher’s medal upon presentation of their running bib and timing chip to the respective officials at the end point counter.21km 参赛者(A、B、C组)顺利于4小时内完成路程,到终点站柜台向工作人员出示号码布及计时芯片,即可获得。
2. Limited amount and on a first-come, first-served basis for 10km and 5km category. 10km与5km组别的赛事奖牌数额有限,先到先得。 3.All finisher’s medal must be collected on race day. NO request thereafter will be entertained.奖牌必须于活动当天领取,事后将不受理。 

Race Pack 赛事包:
1. All participants MUST bring the confirmation slip or receipt for collecting their race kit. For those who fail to display the confirmation slip or receipt will not be entertained.所有参赛者必须携带回条或收据以领取赛事包。否则,将不被受理。
2. Only can collect on 7, 8, 14 & 15 April 2018 (Saturday & Sunday) ,9:00am – 5:00pm (Break: 12:30pm – 1:30pm), for who fail to come on that time will not be entertained. 请于以下时间领取;2018年4月7,8,14及(周六、日),早上9时至5时正(12时30分1时30分休息),其余时间恕不受理。
3. Kindly note that requests for changes in sizes will not be entertained. Any kind of modification to the running T- shirt will not be permitted.任何更换尺码的要求,主办单位不会受理。大会指定T恤不得有任何更改。 

1. All participant must follow the path along the race course without taking any shortcuts (unless instructed by the volunteers) . 所有参赛者必须依照指定路线不得取道捷径(除非得到志工的指示)。
2.Any participant caught violating this rule by taking a shortcut or hopping on a vehicle, did not pass checkpoint will be DISQUALIFIED.任何参赛者违反规定走捷径或使用交通工具,没有经过检查站皆被取消得奖资格。
3. At certain points of the race, RELA may redirect you from the race course for safety purposes. Always follow the instructions of the RELA to avoid untoward incidence.在特定路程,RELA可能因安全因素提供指引。请随时依循RELA的指示以避免任何意外。
4. The Organizer shall not be held responsible for any accidents, deaths, injuries or mishaps that, may occur to the participant before, during or after the event. However, the necessary precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of all participants during the race. 主办单位不对活动前,期间或活动后所发生的任何事故,死亡,伤害或意外事故负责。但是,将采取必要的预防措施以确保所有参加者在比赛期间的安全。
5. 21 km category ranking will be based on timing chip.21km组的得奖排名将依据计时芯片显示抵达终点的时间为准。
6. The Organizer reserves the right of FINAL DECISION. 主办方保留最终决定权。
7. The Organizer reserves the right to modify or substitute any of these terms and conditions and any other rules and regulations of the event at any given time as the Organizer deem fit or necessary without prior notice.本规则如有未尽善指出,主办单位有权增删之。


1 )I/We declare, as a condition of entry into Jogathon Warisan, that I have undertaken sufficient training for the event and that I am not aware of any illess, injury, physical disability or impairment which may cause me injury or death during or as a consequence of participation in the event. Do not compete if you have been sick or have had a viral infection in the two weeks prior to race day

2) I/We accept full responsibility for informing myself and assessing all the dangers, hazards and risks of entry in the event and will rely solely on my own assessment of these before participating in the event. The decision to participate in the event is entirely my own and I accept all risks associated with participation in the event.

3) I/We agree to abide by all event terms and conditions by obeying all directions and instruction given by even committee and police.

4) Jogathon Warisan reserves the right to change or modify any part of the event including date, course and location at any time without personal notice. Details of any such changes will be published on the Jogathon Warisan Website, FB or any other media.

5) Jogathon Warisan reserves the rights to reject or cancel my entry at any time.

6) The event referee's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Event Links

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