日期Date : November 25th 2018 (Sunday)
時間Time: 10am -4pm(Station Games) ,5pm-8pm(EDM concert)
地點 Venue: Wisma FGA
Event Organizer Name : FGA CYC Young Professional ,YP Music Network
Social Media:YP Music Network, FGA CYC Young Professional
Event Description 活动介紹:
Station Games, 体能和音乐 EDM Concert
活动前 Pre Event :发挥你的创意來制造一只MV.
Create MV using your creative way :
- 创作歌曲 Compose new song and create a MV or
- 翻唱歌曲 Use cover song to create a MV or
- 舞蹈翻拍 Cover/ create a dance MV
获得最高人气和最创意MV 的团队将会在EDM演唱会上表演, 并呈现他们的 MV
The team with their MV rated as the most popular and creative video will be performing on stage during the EDM concert
报名费用 Register Fees:RM30.00 (Early Bird deadline: 28/10 Sun), RM40.00 (After Early Bird)
Event Location