Terry Lin, Yet another superstar performing at Resorts World Genting this year is Terry Lin Chih Hsuan, the Taiwanese singer who stamped his mark at “I Am a Singer,” the Chinese version of the Korean singing competition. But those who have been following Terry's career would know the singer was a popular figure even before the singing competition. He has long been recognized among the Mandarin-speaking population throughout Asia for his “moody” voice. With his unique and strong vocals, Terry earned himself a special place in the music industry—he became recognized as the “prince of non-platonic love songs.”
Terry is a success story in his own right—he established his own music label and started producing music for himself and others. He has released several albums since his first one in 1995 and in Season One of “I Am a Singer,” he was the first runner-up.
林志炫于1991年和李骥以 “优客李林” 组合出道,同年首发专辑《认错》,不仅创下百万销量,大受欢迎,更荣获无数奖项包括《第一届劲爆家族最受欢迎国语歌曲奖》和《第十五届十大中文金曲》新人奖“最佳组合”金奖等。他在组合解散后,继续以个人身份活跃在歌坛。他凭借《蒙娜丽莎的眼泪》及《单身情歌》,再次走红歌坛,更入围《第十届台湾金曲奖颁奖典礼》“最佳男演唱人奖”,实力非凡。
林志炫于2013年参加中国歌唱比赛节目《我是歌手》,凭着独创的“鸡尾酒唱法”及流畅的真假音转换技巧技惊四座,不仅成功掀起风潮,创下最高收视率,也赢得“ONE TAKE 天王”的美誉。“ ONE TAKE” 对他在演艺生涯中来说是一种完美的追求,也是他对音乐的信仰。他怀着对音乐的热诚,不断挑战自我,找出知音,唱出感动,希望为聆听者带来幸福感。