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时间管理与掌握脑内对话之道 | Time Management & Using the Inner Conversation

每天我們都在跟時間赛跑,但我们还是觉得每天没有时间!Every day we race with time, but we still feel we have not enough time every day.

如何把我们的有限的24小时变成更充满效率而又享受其中呢?How we can transform our limited 24 hours to become more efficient and also enjoyable?

如何去除时间焦虑的种子?How to remove time anxiety seed?

如何用4种觉知和强大的内在对话的力量来提升你在家庭、职场和商场以获终极致胜策略。How to use 4 types of awareness and the power of inner conversation to improve our family, career and business life to obtain the ultimate winning strategy ?

有些人自身条件优秀,卻总是力不从心,在很多事情上并未能获得自己滿意的結果,皆因未能了解如何才能善用时间,无法掌握强大内在对话的力量来建立团队,善导团队成员的内心对话凝聚成向上的力量来创造强大的团队。Some people have excellent conditions, but they are always unable to do what they want. They fail to achieve satisfying results in many things. This is because they don’t understand how to make good use of their time, not able to master the power of inner conversation to build a team, and guide the inner conversation of team members along onto an upward power of creating a strong team.

时间管理和内在对话能助我們的家庭和事业双圆满,免去不少烦恼。通过了解如何把有限的时间变成无限的效率,圆满的内在对话能帮助家庭关系更和谐、职场和商场更成功!Time management using the inner conversation can help us to be successful in both our family and business life, free from a lot of trouble. By understanding how to turn limited time into limitless efficiency, a complete inner conversation can help family relationships become more harmonious and our workplace and business will also become more successful!

金剛商学院的创办人~格西麦克.罗曲 将会在这个线上公开演讲里,让大家学习如何运用种种子法则 “缔造完美家庭与事业双圆满” In this online Public Talk, founder of Diamond Cutter Global, Geshe Michael Roach will teach you how to use seed planting to create a perfect family and business!

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

感谢您成功购买金刚商法线上公开演讲2020门票!Thank you for your successful purchase of Diamond Cutter Online Public Talk 2020 ticket!

您将会在稍后通过注册电子邮件收到参与此公开演讲的链接邀请。You will receive a join link invitation through your registered email to join the event.


Global Diamond Cutter Malaysia (GDC) and Diamond Cutter Wisdom Singapore (DCW) reserves the right to cancel or reschedule this event to another date without prior notice and will not liable for any claims, action costs, charges, expenses, damages, losses, and liabilities due to such cancellation / rescheduling of the programs.


There is no refund for cancellation or non-attendance but replacement form the same company is allowed.

Registration is based on first-come, first served basis.


No Photography, video recording and audio recording is permitted.

Registration & Enquiries:

Please contact Eric at 012-7685528 if you need further assistance on the registration.

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Global Diamond Cutter 金刚商法马来西亚

Global Diamond Cutter 金刚商法马来西亚为美国金刚商学院 (Diamond Cutter Institute (DCI)) 位于马来西亚的主办单位。金刚商学院提供系统培训于商业,政府和个人生活成功上,这个系统源自于古老典籍。 DCI和全世界的合作伙伴每年在超过25个国家和35个城市举办大大小小的活动,每年的观众人数接近25,000人。金刚商法马来西亚的愿景是让世界上每个人可以学习并正确实践金刚商法,以成为生活智慧,达到全方位的成功,成为他人的榜样,帮助更多人,活出生命的终极意义。为达成此愿景,我们的使命是把金刚商法的智慧通过课程培训,公开演讲,系统化的读书会,分享会快速并正确的传播出去,让每个人拥有这套智慧来达成人生五大目标,创造更美好的世界。
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金刚商法公开演讲2020 (新山站) Diamond Cutter Public Talk 2020 (Johor Bahru)(Online)

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时间管理与掌握脑内对话之道 | Time Management & Using the Inner Conversation

每天我們都在跟時間赛跑,但我们还是觉得每天没有时间!Every day we race with time, but we still feel we have not enough time every day.

如何把我们的有限的24小时变成更充满效率而又享受其中呢?How we can transform our limited 24 hours to become more efficient and also enjoyable?

如何去除时间焦虑的种子?How to remove time anxiety seed?

如何用4种觉知和强大的内在对话的力量来提升你在家庭、职场和商场以获终极致胜策略。How to use 4 types of awareness and the power of inner conversation to improve our family, career and business life to obtain the ultimate winning strategy ?

有些人自身条件优秀,卻总是力不从心,在很多事情上并未能获得自己滿意的結果,皆因未能了解如何才能善用时间,无法掌握强大内在对话的力量来建立团队,善导团队成员的内心对话凝聚成向上的力量来创造强大的团队。Some people have excellent conditions, but they are always unable to do what they want. They fail to achieve satisfying results in many things. This is because they don’t understand how to make good use of their time, not able to master the power of inner conversation to build a team, and guide the inner conversation of team members along onto an upward power of creating a strong team.

时间管理和内在对话能助我們的家庭和事业双圆满,免去不少烦恼。通过了解如何把有限的时间变成无限的效率,圆满的内在对话能帮助家庭关系更和谐、职场和商场更成功!Time management using the inner conversation can help us to be successful in both our family and business life, free from a lot of trouble. By understanding how to turn limited time into limitless efficiency, a complete inner conversation can help family relationships become more harmonious and our workplace and business will also become more successful!

金剛商学院的创办人~格西麦克.罗曲 将会在这个线上公开演讲里,让大家学习如何运用种种子法则 “缔造完美家庭与事业双圆满” In this online Public Talk, founder of Diamond Cutter Global, Geshe Michael Roach will teach you how to use seed planting to create a perfect family and business!

Terms and Condition

感谢您成功购买金刚商法线上公开演讲2020门票!Thank you for your successful purchase of Diamond Cutter Online Public Talk 2020 ticket!

您将会在稍后通过注册电子邮件收到参与此公开演讲的链接邀请。You will receive a join link invitation through your registered email to join the event.


Global Diamond Cutter Malaysia (GDC) and Diamond Cutter Wisdom Singapore (DCW) reserves the right to cancel or reschedule this event to another date without prior notice and will not liable for any claims, action costs, charges, expenses, damages, losses, and liabilities due to such cancellation / rescheduling of the programs.


There is no refund for cancellation or non-attendance but replacement form the same company is allowed.

Registration is based on first-come, first served basis.


No Photography, video recording and audio recording is permitted.

Registration & Enquiries:

Please contact Eric at 012-7685528 if you need further assistance on the registration.

Global Diamond Cutter 金刚商法马来西亚为美国金刚商学院 (Diamond Cutter Institute (DCI)) 位于马来西亚的主办单位。金刚商学院提供系统培训于商业,政府和个人生活成功上,这个系统源自于古老典籍。 DCI和全世界的合作伙伴每年在超过25个国家和35个城市举办大大小小的活动,每年的观众人数接近25,000人。金刚商法马来西亚的愿景是让世界上每个人可以学习并正确实践金刚商法,以成为生活智慧,达到全方位的成功,成为他人的榜样,帮助更多人,活出生命的终极意义。为达成此愿景,我们的使命是把金刚商法的智慧通过课程培训,公开演讲,系统化的读书会,分享会快速并正确的传播出去,让每个人拥有这套智慧来达成人生五大目标,创造更美好的世界。
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