Adopt A Butterfly - Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary

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Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary
Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary. Lebuh Ayer Keroh, 75450 Ayer Keroh, Melaka, Malaysia

Ticket {{$t("Information")}}

{{$t("More info on this event")}}


For the first time in 29 years, we are sincerely appealing for your help to tie us through this Covid19 pandemic as we made available our precious butterfly chrysalis for adoption. Each of them was carefully raised from the moment they hatched from their tiny eggs. Behind every chrysalis lies the story of dedicated farmers and staff raising butterfly larvae through the metamorphosis. This is the only way we can ensure butterflies continue to fly …

Magical moment awaits you! Witness for yourself the secret within the chrysalis burst into fluttering butterfly!

Untuk pertama kalinya dalam tempoh 29 tahun, kami dengan tulus memohon bantuan anda semua untuk membantu kami menhadapi pandemik Covid-19 ini. Kami menyediakan kepompong rama-rama yang berharga untuk diadopsi dan dijadikan haiwan angkat. Masing-masing dibiakkan dengan penuh teliti dari saat menetas daripada telur kecil mereka. Setiap dari mereka menceritakan kisah petani dan pekerja yang berdedikasi dalam membiakkan ulat beluncas ini melalui metamorfosis. Hanya inilah satu-satunya cara untuk memastikan rama-rama akan terus berterbangan

Adopt A Butterfly

What is this?
This butterfly pupa is the third stage of the butterfly life cycle (eggs, caterpillar, pupa, butterfly). It is bred within the laboratory of Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary as our effort towards Butterfly Conservation and have no adverse impact on the species population in the wild. All the sales from Pupa Jar will be directed to butterfly research and conservation in Malaysia. Congratulations! You have contributed to Butterfly Conservation.

Apakah kepompong benar ini?

Kepompong ini merupakan peringkat ketiga pada kitaran hidup rama-rama (telur, ulat beluncas, kepompong, rama-rama). Ia dibiak oleh Taman Rama-rama & Reptilia Melaka sebagai salah satu usaha untuk program konservasi dan tidak mendatangkan kemudaratan terhadap ekosistem. Semua hasil jualan ini akan disalurkan ke penyelidikan dan pemuliharaan rama-rama di Malaysia. Tahniah! Anda merupakan penyumbang dalam konservasi rama-rama.

What you get?

RM20 per set 
(exclude RM10 shipping fee within WM, self pick-up available)

  • 1 unit butterfly pupa
  • 1 unit glass jar
  • 1 Child Entrance Ticket (*For shipment only)
  • Experience this pupa turning into a lovely butterfly

Apa anda akan dapat?
RM20 setiap set 
(tidak termasuk RM10 kos penghantaran HANYA di Peninsular Malaysia sahaja)

  • 1 unit kepompong rama-rama 
  • 1 unit balang kaca
  • 1 tiket kanak-kanak (bagi shipment sahaja)
  • Rasai sendiri pengalaman menyaksikan proses rama-rama yang indah keluar daripada kepompong.

What you get?

RM55 per set 
(FREE delivery within West Malaysia only)

  • 1 unit butterfly pupa
  • 1 unit glass jar
  • FREE button badge
  • FREE delivery within West Malaysia
  • FREE 2pcs entrance tickets to visit Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary (Show Ticket2u E-ticket, redeem at Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary Ticket counter)
  • Experience this pupa turning into a lovely butterfly.

Apa anda akan dapat?
RM55 setiap set 
(FREE Delivery HANYA di Perninsular Malaysia sahaja)

  • 1 unit kepompong rama-rama 
  • 1 unit balang kaca
  • PERCUMA Button badge
  • PERCUMA penghantaran Semenanjung Malaysia
  • 2 keping tiket melawat Taman Rama-rama & Reptilia (sila tunjukan Ticket2u e-tiket, di kaunter tiket Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary untuk penebusan)
  • Rasai sendiri pengalaman menyaksikan proses rama-rama yang indah keluar daripada kepompong.

Adopt A Butterfly

Re-use the Glass Jar as & DIY your own Terrarium

What you get

RM60 per set (FREE Shipping WM)

  • 1 unit butterfly pupa
  • 1 unit glass jar
  • 1 miniature plant
  • 1 set mini tools
  • 1 decor
  • 1 packet of soil
  • 1 packet pearly pebbles
  • 1 natural rock

Experience this pupa turning into a lovely butterfly, then re-use the glass jar as terrarium.

Apa anda akan dapat

RM60 setiap set (Penghantaran PERCUMA SM)

  • 1 unit kepompong rama-rama 
  • 1 unit balang kaca
  • 1 pokok renek
  • 1 set alat
  • 1 hiasan kecil
  • 1 paket tanah
  • 1 paket batu kerikil
  • 1 natural rock

Rasai sendiri pengalaman menyaksikan proses rama-rama yang indah keluar daripada kepompong, kemudian guna semula balang kaca tersebut untuk penanaman terrarium.

Adopt A Butterfly: Butterfly pupa only 

without jar

RM 15.00 per 1 Butterfly pupa (Price excluded Jar & shipping fee)
Butterfly Pupa
Shipping Fee
1-5pcs pupa
RM 10.00
6-10pcs pupa
RM 20.00
11-15pcs pupa
RM 30.00
16-20pcs pupa
RM 40.00


We will deliver the butterfly pupa in the beginning of the week (every Monday, exclude Public Monday), so to avoid the parcel being hold back at the courier store if we made it at the end of the week instead. After despatched, it takes about 3-4 days to arrive at your doorstep.


  • PLEASE TAKE NOTE: By default, we will refer to Buyer Details for shipping. If buyers wanted to send the item to different address, please fill in the: Ship to different address?(Please key in if different from Buyer's Address) details under Ticket Holder Details. (NOT APPLICABLE FOR SELF COLLECT)
  • SILA AMBIL PERHATIAN: Untuk alamat pengeposan, Kami akan menggunakan alamat pembeli diruangan Buyer Details. Jika menggunakan alamat yang lain, sila isi di ruangan: Ship to different address?(Please key in if different from Buyer's Address) di bahagian Ticket Holder Details.

  • For RM55 per set package, to redeem ticket entrance for Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary please kindly show your unique Ticket2u e-ticket(soft-copy via phone OR Printed hard copy) at Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary Ticketing Counter for redemption. 
  • Untuk set RM 55 pekej, penebusan tiket kemasukan ke Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary, sila tunjukan Ticket2u e-tiket unik anda (softcopy atau cetakan kertas) di kaunter tiket Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary untuk penebusan.

  • Ticket2u e-ticket redemption for Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary ticket entrance is NOT applicable for RM20 per set package. Each RM20 per set package amount CANNOT be  accumulated to redeem for ticket entrance.
  • Penebusan Ticket2u e-tiket TIDAK boleh digunapakai untuk tiket kemasukan dengan pekej set RM20 dan TIDAK boleh amaun ditindihkan pakej untuk Penebusan.

  • Your butterfly will emerge from chrysalis within 3 to 10 days depending on the temperatures around the environment. Emergence might occur during day or night time.
  • Rama-rama anda akan keluar dari kepompong dalam masa 3 hingga 10 hari, bergantung kepada suhu persekitaran. Proses rama-rama keluar dari kepompong ini akan berlaku pada waktu siang atau pun malam.

  • We deliver via Express Courier. Butterfly Pupae have a very limited shelf life. We are sending you this lovely pupa as quickly as possible once chrysalis is formed. Kindly allow up to a week for delivery.
  • Kami akan menggunakan perkhidmatan kurier ekspress. Kepompong rama-rama mempunyai jangka hayat yang sangat terhad. Kami akan hantarkan kepompong istimewa ini kepada anda sebaik sahaja ia terhasil sepenuhnya. Penghantaran mungkin akan mengambil masa seminggu.

  • In the event where your butterfly failed its emergence, let us know, we would be honored to replace it immediately without any charges, you may just need to bear the shipping cost of RM10.
  • Sekiranya rama-rama anda tidak keluar dari kepompong, maklumkan kepada kami, kami sangat berbesar hati untuk menggantikannya dengan segera tanpa sebarang bayaran, anda hanya perlu menanggung kos penghantaran sahaja.


Yang Selalu Ditanya

When will the butterfly emerge?

Your butterfly will emerge from chrysalis within 3 to 10 days depending on the temperatures around the environment. Emergence might occur during day or night time.

Bilakah rama-rama akan keluar?

Rama-rama anda akan keluar dari kepompong dalam masa 3 hingga 10 hari, bergantung kepada suhu persekitaran. Proses rama-rama keluar dari kepompong ini akan berlaku pada waktu siang atau pun malam.

When will it be delivered?

We deliver via Express Courier. Butterfly Pupae have a very limited shelf life. We are sending you this lovely pupa as quickly as possible once chrysalis is formed. Kindly allow up to a week for delivery.

Bilakah kepompong ini akan dihantar?

Kami akan menggunakan perkhidmatan kurier ekspress. Kepompong rama-rama mempunyai jangka hayat yang sangat terhad. Kami akan hantarkan kepompong istimewa ini kepada anda sebaik sahaja ia terhasil sepenuhnya. Penghantaran mungkin akan mengambil masa seminggu.

Will I always get the same butterfly species?

Some butterflies observed seasonal breeding behavior while others readily breed throughout the year. From time to time, different species of butterfly will be made available. Attempt will be made to deliver chrysalis of your choice without which we shall send other species available at time of order. Hence, the Butterfly Pupa Jar you receive may come with pupa of different shapes, sizes and colours: ranging from green to brown, smooth to spiky!

Adakah saya akan sentiasa mendapat spesies rama-rama yang sama?

Menurut pemerhatian, beberapa spesies rama-rama  membiak mengikut musim, manakala rama-rama yang selebihnya membiak sepanjang tahun. Dari masa ke semasa, spesies rama-rama yang berbeza akan tersedia. Kami akan cuba untuk menghantar kepompong yang anda pilih, walau bagaimanapun, jika spesies tersebut tiada, kami akan menghantar spesies lain yang ada sewaktu pesanan dibuat. Jadi, anda akan menerima Balang Kepompong Rama-rama yang mempunyai kepompong yang berbeza bentuk, saiz dan warna: dari warna hijau hingga ke coklat, mempunyai fizikal yang licin hinggalah berduri!

Releasing your butterflies

Butterfly takes about 3-4 hours to harden its wings before taking its flight.You may release the butterfly to your surrounding outdoor once you see they are fluttering in the jar.

Melepaskan rama-rama anda

Rama-rama mengambil masa 3-4 jam untuk mengeringkan sayapnya sebelum mereka mula terbang. Anda boleh melepaskan rama-rama ke kawasan persekitaran apabila mereka kelihatan mula berterbangan di dalam balang.

Why releasing our farm-bred butterflies?

Many species of butterfly are disappearing rapidly due to loss of their habitat. A study by University of Malaya shows that 20% to 40% of the butterfly species of South-East Asia are threatened with extinction due to urbanization and deforestation. Since 1990, Kuala Lumpur has seen an 87% loss in green land, a direct result from industry development brought about by the 77% increase in the human population. Releasing our farm-bred butterflies helps increase local butterfly population. Do your part!

Kenapa lepaskan rama-rama yang dibiakkan di makmal kami?

Banyak spesies rama-rama mula berkurang dengan cepat kesan daripada kehilangan habitat asal mereka. Satu kajian dibuat oleh Universiti Malaya (UM) menunjukkan bahawa 20% hingga 40% daripada spesies rama-rama di Asia Tenggara diancam kepupusan kerana pembandaran dan penebangan hutan. Sejak 1990, Kuala Lumpur telah kehilangan tanah hijau sebanyak 87%, kesan langsung daripada pembangunan industri yang disebabkan oleh peningkatan populasi manusia sebanyak 77%. Melepaskan rama-rama yang dibiakkan di makmal kami akan membantu meningkatkan populasi rama-rama tempatan. Lakukan bahagian anda!

What if something goes wrong?

Our butterfly breeding laboratory practices ethics and sustainable usage of host plants through extensive cultivation of host plants. We practice strict quarantine and sterilization procedures within the breeding facilities for our butterflies. We are committed to ship only good sized butterfly pupa. However, nature strikes a strategic balance in the ecosystem by its own set of rules. Best practice, no matter how rigidly performed, we cannot guarantee a perfect emergence of butterfly from the chrysalis. In the event where your butterfly failed its emergence, let us know, we would be honored to replace it immediately without any charges, you may just need to bear the shipping cost.

Bagaimana jika terjadi sesuatu yang tidak sepatutnya?

Makmal pembiakan kami mengamalkan etika dan penggunaan pokok perumah yang berterusan, melalui penanaman pokok perumah secara meluas. Kami menggunakan kaedah kuarantin dan prosedur pensterilan yang ketat bagi kemudahan pembiakan rama-rama kami. Kami komited untuk menghantar kepompong rama-rama kami hanya dalam saiz yang baik sahaja. Walau bagaimanapun, alam semulajadi mencapai keseimbangan strategik dalam ekosistem dengan peraturannya sendiri. Usaha yang terbaik, tidak kira seberapa rapi pun, kami tetap tidak dapat menjamin kemunculan rama-rama yang sempurna dari kepompong. Sekiranya rama-rama anda tidak keluar dari kepompong, maklumkan kepada kami, kami sangat berbesar hati untuk menggantikannya dengan segera tanpa sebarang bayaran, anda hanya perlu menanggung kos penghantaran sahaja.


Getting Here

The Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary (Taman Rama-rama & Reptilia) is located at Lebuh Ayer Keroh, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia.

GPS location is at N2.299988,E102.312412

For general information call (606) 232 0033

Directions from North South Expressway (exit at Ayer Keroh Toll):
Take the exit at Plaza Ayer Keroh Toll. After paying toll charges, take the first turning on your left, which is just 100m away from the toll. Head straight along the road, the Sanctuary entrance is at Taman Rama-rama.

Directions from Melaka Bandaraya (MelakaTown):
From the town, follow the signs Lebuhraya Toll or Ayer Keroh.
When reaching Zoo Melaka along the Lebuh Ayer Keroh, follow the brown roadsigns "Taman Rama-rama"


Parking is free.

Public transportation

Not available.


Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary
Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary. Lebuh Ayer Keroh, 75450 Ayer Keroh, Melaka, Malaysia

{{$t("Terms and Conditions")}}

POSTAGE(During normal operation time): 

We will deliver the butterfly pupa in the beginning of the week (every Monday, exclude Public Monday), so to avoid the parcel being hold back at the courier store if we made it at the end of the week instead. After despatched, it takes about 3-4 days to arrive at your doorstep.

Terms and conditions

  1. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: By default, we will refer to Buyer Details for shipping. IF buyers wanted to send the item to different address, please fill in the: Ship to different address?(Please key in if different from Buyer's Address) details under Ticket Holder Details.
  2. In the event where your butterfly failed its emergence, let us know, we would be honored to replace it immediately without any charges, you may just need to bear the shipping cost of RM10.
  3. Upon purchased, CANNOT Refund or Exchange to into ticket entrance for Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary.
  4. For RM50 per set package, to redeem ticket entrance for Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary please kindly show your unique Ticket2u e-ticket(soft-copy via phone OR Printed hard copy) at Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary Ticketing Counter for redemption. 
  5. Ticket2u e-ticket redemption for Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary ticket entrance is NOT applicable for RM20 per set package. Each RM20 per set package amount CANNOT be  accumulated to redeem for ticket entrance.
  6. Visiting adult and child (3 - 12 years old) shall be entitled to utilize the ticket. The privilege shall be extended to non-MyKad holders. 
  1. Un-presented/Un-claim Ticket2u e-tickets upon the expiry date shall be considered lapsed and unusable without any refund.
  2. Visit is allowed all year round, during daily operation hours 8:30am - 5:30pm
  3. Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary reserves the right to alter the operation hours of the Sanctuary or its exhibits under any circumstances.
  4. Ticket2u e-ticket can not be transferred to any other individual, e-tickets owner or representative must present MyKad/valid passport for validation during redemption at Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary Ticketing Counter.
    To collect your Admission ticket, you need to bring along a printed copy of your e-Ticket together with your MyKad/valid passport.
    Collection on Behalf
    You may appoint a representative to collect your Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary ticket entrance on your behalf. The representative must present the following:
    ·       Printed/Softcopy of Donor's e-Ticket, and
    ·       Printed/Softcopy of Donor's MyKad/valid passport.

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Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary

About It all begins when the first butterfly was seen flying in the Sanctuary. Ever since then, the flying never ends... Situated next to Ayer Keroh Tol, Melaka Butterfly and Reptile Sanctuary offers you a window to get up close to some of the best of Malaysia
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Adopt A Butterfly - Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary

Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary
Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary. Lebuh Ayer Keroh, 75450 Ayer Keroh, Melaka, Malaysia

Ticket Information

For the first time in 29 years, we are sincerely appealing for your help to tie us through this Covid19 pandemic as we made available our precious butterfly chrysalis for adoption. Each of them was carefully raised from the moment they hatched from their tiny eggs. Behind every chrysalis lies the story of dedicated farmers and staff raising butterfly larvae through the metamorphosis. This is the only way we can ensure butterflies continue to fly …

Magical moment awaits you! Witness for yourself the secret within the chrysalis burst into fluttering butterfly!

Untuk pertama kalinya dalam tempoh 29 tahun, kami dengan tulus memohon bantuan anda semua untuk membantu kami menhadapi pandemik Covid-19 ini. Kami menyediakan kepompong rama-rama yang berharga untuk diadopsi dan dijadikan haiwan angkat. Masing-masing dibiakkan dengan penuh teliti dari saat menetas daripada telur kecil mereka. Setiap dari mereka menceritakan kisah petani dan pekerja yang berdedikasi dalam membiakkan ulat beluncas ini melalui metamorfosis. Hanya inilah satu-satunya cara untuk memastikan rama-rama akan terus berterbangan

Adopt A Butterfly

What is this?
This butterfly pupa is the third stage of the butterfly life cycle (eggs, caterpillar, pupa, butterfly). It is bred within the laboratory of Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary as our effort towards Butterfly Conservation and have no adverse impact on the species population in the wild. All the sales from Pupa Jar will be directed to butterfly research and conservation in Malaysia. Congratulations! You have contributed to Butterfly Conservation.

Apakah kepompong benar ini?

Kepompong ini merupakan peringkat ketiga pada kitaran hidup rama-rama (telur, ulat beluncas, kepompong, rama-rama). Ia dibiak oleh Taman Rama-rama & Reptilia Melaka sebagai salah satu usaha untuk program konservasi dan tidak mendatangkan kemudaratan terhadap ekosistem. Semua hasil jualan ini akan disalurkan ke penyelidikan dan pemuliharaan rama-rama di Malaysia. Tahniah! Anda merupakan penyumbang dalam konservasi rama-rama.

What you get?

RM20 per set 
(exclude RM10 shipping fee within WM, self pick-up available)

  • 1 unit butterfly pupa
  • 1 unit glass jar
  • 1 Child Entrance Ticket (*For shipment only)
  • Experience this pupa turning into a lovely butterfly

Apa anda akan dapat?
RM20 setiap set 
(tidak termasuk RM10 kos penghantaran HANYA di Peninsular Malaysia sahaja)

  • 1 unit kepompong rama-rama 
  • 1 unit balang kaca
  • 1 tiket kanak-kanak (bagi shipment sahaja)
  • Rasai sendiri pengalaman menyaksikan proses rama-rama yang indah keluar daripada kepompong.

What you get?

RM55 per set 
(FREE delivery within West Malaysia only)

  • 1 unit butterfly pupa
  • 1 unit glass jar
  • FREE button badge
  • FREE delivery within West Malaysia
  • FREE 2pcs entrance tickets to visit Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary (Show Ticket2u E-ticket, redeem at Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary Ticket counter)
  • Experience this pupa turning into a lovely butterfly.

Apa anda akan dapat?
RM55 setiap set 
(FREE Delivery HANYA di Perninsular Malaysia sahaja)

  • 1 unit kepompong rama-rama 
  • 1 unit balang kaca
  • PERCUMA Button badge
  • PERCUMA penghantaran Semenanjung Malaysia
  • 2 keping tiket melawat Taman Rama-rama & Reptilia (sila tunjukan Ticket2u e-tiket, di kaunter tiket Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary untuk penebusan)
  • Rasai sendiri pengalaman menyaksikan proses rama-rama yang indah keluar daripada kepompong.

Adopt A Butterfly

Re-use the Glass Jar as & DIY your own Terrarium

What you get

RM60 per set (FREE Shipping WM)

  • 1 unit butterfly pupa
  • 1 unit glass jar
  • 1 miniature plant
  • 1 set mini tools
  • 1 decor
  • 1 packet of soil
  • 1 packet pearly pebbles
  • 1 natural rock

Experience this pupa turning into a lovely butterfly, then re-use the glass jar as terrarium.

Apa anda akan dapat

RM60 setiap set (Penghantaran PERCUMA SM)

  • 1 unit kepompong rama-rama 
  • 1 unit balang kaca
  • 1 pokok renek
  • 1 set alat
  • 1 hiasan kecil
  • 1 paket tanah
  • 1 paket batu kerikil
  • 1 natural rock

Rasai sendiri pengalaman menyaksikan proses rama-rama yang indah keluar daripada kepompong, kemudian guna semula balang kaca tersebut untuk penanaman terrarium.

Adopt A Butterfly: Butterfly pupa only 

without jar

RM 15.00 per 1 Butterfly pupa (Price excluded Jar & shipping fee)
Butterfly Pupa
Shipping Fee
1-5pcs pupa
RM 10.00
6-10pcs pupa
RM 20.00
11-15pcs pupa
RM 30.00
16-20pcs pupa
RM 40.00


We will deliver the butterfly pupa in the beginning of the week (every Monday, exclude Public Monday), so to avoid the parcel being hold back at the courier store if we made it at the end of the week instead. After despatched, it takes about 3-4 days to arrive at your doorstep.


  • PLEASE TAKE NOTE: By default, we will refer to Buyer Details for shipping. If buyers wanted to send the item to different address, please fill in the: Ship to different address?(Please key in if different from Buyer's Address) details under Ticket Holder Details. (NOT APPLICABLE FOR SELF COLLECT)
  • SILA AMBIL PERHATIAN: Untuk alamat pengeposan, Kami akan menggunakan alamat pembeli diruangan Buyer Details. Jika menggunakan alamat yang lain, sila isi di ruangan: Ship to different address?(Please key in if different from Buyer's Address) di bahagian Ticket Holder Details.

  • For RM55 per set package, to redeem ticket entrance for Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary please kindly show your unique Ticket2u e-ticket(soft-copy via phone OR Printed hard copy) at Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary Ticketing Counter for redemption. 
  • Untuk set RM 55 pekej, penebusan tiket kemasukan ke Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary, sila tunjukan Ticket2u e-tiket unik anda (softcopy atau cetakan kertas) di kaunter tiket Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary untuk penebusan.

  • Ticket2u e-ticket redemption for Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary ticket entrance is NOT applicable for RM20 per set package. Each RM20 per set package amount CANNOT be  accumulated to redeem for ticket entrance.
  • Penebusan Ticket2u e-tiket TIDAK boleh digunapakai untuk tiket kemasukan dengan pekej set RM20 dan TIDAK boleh amaun ditindihkan pakej untuk Penebusan.

  • Your butterfly will emerge from chrysalis within 3 to 10 days depending on the temperatures around the environment. Emergence might occur during day or night time.
  • Rama-rama anda akan keluar dari kepompong dalam masa 3 hingga 10 hari, bergantung kepada suhu persekitaran. Proses rama-rama keluar dari kepompong ini akan berlaku pada waktu siang atau pun malam.

  • We deliver via Express Courier. Butterfly Pupae have a very limited shelf life. We are sending you this lovely pupa as quickly as possible once chrysalis is formed. Kindly allow up to a week for delivery.
  • Kami akan menggunakan perkhidmatan kurier ekspress. Kepompong rama-rama mempunyai jangka hayat yang sangat terhad. Kami akan hantarkan kepompong istimewa ini kepada anda sebaik sahaja ia terhasil sepenuhnya. Penghantaran mungkin akan mengambil masa seminggu.

  • In the event where your butterfly failed its emergence, let us know, we would be honored to replace it immediately without any charges, you may just need to bear the shipping cost of RM10.
  • Sekiranya rama-rama anda tidak keluar dari kepompong, maklumkan kepada kami, kami sangat berbesar hati untuk menggantikannya dengan segera tanpa sebarang bayaran, anda hanya perlu menanggung kos penghantaran sahaja.


Yang Selalu Ditanya

When will the butterfly emerge?

Your butterfly will emerge from chrysalis within 3 to 10 days depending on the temperatures around the environment. Emergence might occur during day or night time.

Bilakah rama-rama akan keluar?

Rama-rama anda akan keluar dari kepompong dalam masa 3 hingga 10 hari, bergantung kepada suhu persekitaran. Proses rama-rama keluar dari kepompong ini akan berlaku pada waktu siang atau pun malam.

When will it be delivered?

We deliver via Express Courier. Butterfly Pupae have a very limited shelf life. We are sending you this lovely pupa as quickly as possible once chrysalis is formed. Kindly allow up to a week for delivery.

Bilakah kepompong ini akan dihantar?

Kami akan menggunakan perkhidmatan kurier ekspress. Kepompong rama-rama mempunyai jangka hayat yang sangat terhad. Kami akan hantarkan kepompong istimewa ini kepada anda sebaik sahaja ia terhasil sepenuhnya. Penghantaran mungkin akan mengambil masa seminggu.

Will I always get the same butterfly species?

Some butterflies observed seasonal breeding behavior while others readily breed throughout the year. From time to time, different species of butterfly will be made available. Attempt will be made to deliver chrysalis of your choice without which we shall send other species available at time of order. Hence, the Butterfly Pupa Jar you receive may come with pupa of different shapes, sizes and colours: ranging from green to brown, smooth to spiky!

Adakah saya akan sentiasa mendapat spesies rama-rama yang sama?

Menurut pemerhatian, beberapa spesies rama-rama  membiak mengikut musim, manakala rama-rama yang selebihnya membiak sepanjang tahun. Dari masa ke semasa, spesies rama-rama yang berbeza akan tersedia. Kami akan cuba untuk menghantar kepompong yang anda pilih, walau bagaimanapun, jika spesies tersebut tiada, kami akan menghantar spesies lain yang ada sewaktu pesanan dibuat. Jadi, anda akan menerima Balang Kepompong Rama-rama yang mempunyai kepompong yang berbeza bentuk, saiz dan warna: dari warna hijau hingga ke coklat, mempunyai fizikal yang licin hinggalah berduri!

Releasing your butterflies

Butterfly takes about 3-4 hours to harden its wings before taking its flight.You may release the butterfly to your surrounding outdoor once you see they are fluttering in the jar.

Melepaskan rama-rama anda

Rama-rama mengambil masa 3-4 jam untuk mengeringkan sayapnya sebelum mereka mula terbang. Anda boleh melepaskan rama-rama ke kawasan persekitaran apabila mereka kelihatan mula berterbangan di dalam balang.

Why releasing our farm-bred butterflies?

Many species of butterfly are disappearing rapidly due to loss of their habitat. A study by University of Malaya shows that 20% to 40% of the butterfly species of South-East Asia are threatened with extinction due to urbanization and deforestation. Since 1990, Kuala Lumpur has seen an 87% loss in green land, a direct result from industry development brought about by the 77% increase in the human population. Releasing our farm-bred butterflies helps increase local butterfly population. Do your part!

Kenapa lepaskan rama-rama yang dibiakkan di makmal kami?

Banyak spesies rama-rama mula berkurang dengan cepat kesan daripada kehilangan habitat asal mereka. Satu kajian dibuat oleh Universiti Malaya (UM) menunjukkan bahawa 20% hingga 40% daripada spesies rama-rama di Asia Tenggara diancam kepupusan kerana pembandaran dan penebangan hutan. Sejak 1990, Kuala Lumpur telah kehilangan tanah hijau sebanyak 87%, kesan langsung daripada pembangunan industri yang disebabkan oleh peningkatan populasi manusia sebanyak 77%. Melepaskan rama-rama yang dibiakkan di makmal kami akan membantu meningkatkan populasi rama-rama tempatan. Lakukan bahagian anda!

What if something goes wrong?

Our butterfly breeding laboratory practices ethics and sustainable usage of host plants through extensive cultivation of host plants. We practice strict quarantine and sterilization procedures within the breeding facilities for our butterflies. We are committed to ship only good sized butterfly pupa. However, nature strikes a strategic balance in the ecosystem by its own set of rules. Best practice, no matter how rigidly performed, we cannot guarantee a perfect emergence of butterfly from the chrysalis. In the event where your butterfly failed its emergence, let us know, we would be honored to replace it immediately without any charges, you may just need to bear the shipping cost.

Bagaimana jika terjadi sesuatu yang tidak sepatutnya?

Makmal pembiakan kami mengamalkan etika dan penggunaan pokok perumah yang berterusan, melalui penanaman pokok perumah secara meluas. Kami menggunakan kaedah kuarantin dan prosedur pensterilan yang ketat bagi kemudahan pembiakan rama-rama kami. Kami komited untuk menghantar kepompong rama-rama kami hanya dalam saiz yang baik sahaja. Walau bagaimanapun, alam semulajadi mencapai keseimbangan strategik dalam ekosistem dengan peraturannya sendiri. Usaha yang terbaik, tidak kira seberapa rapi pun, kami tetap tidak dapat menjamin kemunculan rama-rama yang sempurna dari kepompong. Sekiranya rama-rama anda tidak keluar dari kepompong, maklumkan kepada kami, kami sangat berbesar hati untuk menggantikannya dengan segera tanpa sebarang bayaran, anda hanya perlu menanggung kos penghantaran sahaja.


Getting Here

The Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary (Taman Rama-rama & Reptilia) is located at Lebuh Ayer Keroh, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia.

GPS location is at N2.299988,E102.312412

For general information call (606) 232 0033

Directions from North South Expressway (exit at Ayer Keroh Toll):
Take the exit at Plaza Ayer Keroh Toll. After paying toll charges, take the first turning on your left, which is just 100m away from the toll. Head straight along the road, the Sanctuary entrance is at Taman Rama-rama.

Directions from Melaka Bandaraya (MelakaTown):
From the town, follow the signs Lebuhraya Toll or Ayer Keroh.
When reaching Zoo Melaka along the Lebuh Ayer Keroh, follow the brown roadsigns "Taman Rama-rama"


Parking is free.

Public transportation

Not available.


Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary
Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary. Lebuh Ayer Keroh, 75450 Ayer Keroh, Melaka, Malaysia

Terms and Condition

POSTAGE(During normal operation time): 

We will deliver the butterfly pupa in the beginning of the week (every Monday, exclude Public Monday), so to avoid the parcel being hold back at the courier store if we made it at the end of the week instead. After despatched, it takes about 3-4 days to arrive at your doorstep.

Terms and conditions

  1. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: By default, we will refer to Buyer Details for shipping. IF buyers wanted to send the item to different address, please fill in the: Ship to different address?(Please key in if different from Buyer's Address) details under Ticket Holder Details.
  2. In the event where your butterfly failed its emergence, let us know, we would be honored to replace it immediately without any charges, you may just need to bear the shipping cost of RM10.
  3. Upon purchased, CANNOT Refund or Exchange to into ticket entrance for Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary.
  4. For RM50 per set package, to redeem ticket entrance for Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary please kindly show your unique Ticket2u e-ticket(soft-copy via phone OR Printed hard copy) at Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary Ticketing Counter for redemption. 
  5. Ticket2u e-ticket redemption for Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary ticket entrance is NOT applicable for RM20 per set package. Each RM20 per set package amount CANNOT be  accumulated to redeem for ticket entrance.
  6. Visiting adult and child (3 - 12 years old) shall be entitled to utilize the ticket. The privilege shall be extended to non-MyKad holders. 
  1. Un-presented/Un-claim Ticket2u e-tickets upon the expiry date shall be considered lapsed and unusable without any refund.
  2. Visit is allowed all year round, during daily operation hours 8:30am - 5:30pm
  3. Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary reserves the right to alter the operation hours of the Sanctuary or its exhibits under any circumstances.
  4. Ticket2u e-ticket can not be transferred to any other individual, e-tickets owner or representative must present MyKad/valid passport for validation during redemption at Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary Ticketing Counter.
    To collect your Admission ticket, you need to bring along a printed copy of your e-Ticket together with your MyKad/valid passport.
    Collection on Behalf
    You may appoint a representative to collect your Melaka Butterfly & Reptile Sanctuary ticket entrance on your behalf. The representative must present the following:
    ·       Printed/Softcopy of Donor's e-Ticket, and
    ·       Printed/Softcopy of Donor's MyKad/valid passport.

About It all begins when the first butterfly was seen flying in the Sanctuary. Ever since then, the flying never ends... Situated next to Ayer Keroh Tol, Melaka Butterfly and Reptile Sanctuary offers you a window to get up close to some of the best of Malaysia
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