What race categories are there in Race Across Malaysia?
There are divisions for solo (self-supported/supported) and team of 2 (supported) in Race Across Malaysia.

* Please note: Service tax charges apply. A refundable deposit of RM400 is required upon registration for the GPS tracker. Upon returning the GPS tracker at the finish line, your deposit will be refunded immediately.
Are all races sanctioned by Race Across America?
Only RAM700 and RAM1000 are qualified races and finishers who complete the race within RAAM Qualification Time Limit will receive invitation to race in Race Across America.
What is the difference between the time limits for RAAM Qualifier and RAM Finisher?
RAAM Qualification Time Limit: For racers aiming to qualify for the Race Across America (RAAM), there is a strict time limit you must adhere to. This time limit varies depending on the specific distance category you participate in, such as RAM700 or RAM1000. Racers must complete the designated distance within this time frame to be eligible for RAAM qualification.
RAM Finisher Time Limit: Similarly, for participants aiming to complete the Race Across Malaysia (RAM), there is a set time limit you must meet to successfully finish the race. This time limit also varies based on the chosen distance category, whether it is RAM300, RAM700, or RAM1000. Riders must cross the finish line within the specified time limit to be officially recognized as RAM finishers.
What is the age requirement to join the race?
There is no cap on age limit to the participants, however, racers below the age of 18 must be supported throughout the whole race and parental consent is required.
Are E-bicycles allowed in the race?
No, only human-powered bicycles are allowed in the race, including Time Trial bikes. Non-human power sources (batteries, solar cells, etc.) are permitted only for powering sensors, displays, communication equipment, or lights. Racers in tandem bicycles will fall under team category.
How does the support crew assist participants during the race?
Each racer (solo supported and team category) is responsible for providing their own support team and vehicles. The support crew assists participants during the race by providing logistical support and assistance along the route, such as providing hydration and nutrition, offering mechanical support and bike repairs, managing equipment and supplies, coordinating rest stops, and offering encouragement and motivation to the racers throughout the event. Racers are allowed to bring spare bikes, which can be stored on top of the support vehicle during the race.
Support that physically assists the racer's movement is prohibited. This includes actions such as pushing bicycles on the ground or from vehicles, as well as blocking traffic to allow the rider to pass through. Each support crew and vehicle must adhere to local traffic laws during the support. During the daytime on small roads where traffic is heavy, a leapfrog-style support is encouraged to prevent the support car from blocking traffic. During late-night hours when the roads are empty, support cars can follow behind the riders.
How do I find out about the route?
The GPX file can be found in the race webpage. However, the final version will be updated 4 weeks before the event.
Do I need to follow the track or can I create my own?
This will be provided as a GPX file and it is imperative that you follow it from the start to the finish and do not deviate. If you do need to leave the route for resupply or a mechanical repair, you will need to return to the point that you left the route and continue from there. There will be no course markings.
Will the traffic be closed during the event?
No, the road will not be closed for the event. For your safety throughout the event, we kindly ask that you cycle safely and follow local traffic laws.
Will the event be tracked in any way?
Each racer will be provided with a GPS tracker, which must be carried throughout the entire race. Our crew will monitor the race's progress through live tracking, allowing your supporters to follow your progress and that of other riders in real-time. Additionally, racers are required to use a bike computer capable of providing a .FIT file after the race. Failure to provide this file will result in disqualification.
Is it permissible for racers to ride in a peloton and engage in drafting among each other?
No, racers are not allowed to ride in a peloton or draft behind other riders or vehicles, and they must maintain a safe distance when overtaking. When another racer approaches, the racer being approached must either: a) increase speed to maintain a 10 meters separation, or b) slow down, allow the pass, and return to the 10 meters separation. RAM emphasizes individual time trials, where each racer competes against the clock and their own physical limits. Additionally, at the starting point, each racer will be flagged off individually at 5-10 minute intervals.
How many racers are estimated to participate in RAM?
As this is an ultra-distance race and a new event in Malaysia, we anticipate a limited number of participants. However, a minimum of 5 racers in each category is required to start the race.
Will I receive a refund if I registered for the event but I could not participate during the event day?
Unfortunately the registration is not refundable, however, the registration could be transferred to another racer 21 days before departure. A fee of RM30 will be charged to transfer a registration. Your registration can only be changed once. Please be aware that no changes will be accepted within 30 days before the race.
I wish to change my registration category (Team, Distance…)
If you wish to modify your registration category (team, distance, etc.), you may do so up to 21 days before departure. In the event of changing to another distance or format, an additional fee will be required to cover the price difference. However, please note that if you switch to a lower distance, no refund will be issued.
What is included in my registration?
GPS Tracker (A refundable deposit of RM400 is required upon registration)
Bike frame tag and stickers
Waterproof pouch with race documents
Reflective harness
Route in GPX format
Racer's photos across the route
Drop-bag service (for Solo self-supported racers in RAM700 and RAM1000)
Basic medical supplies, bike tools, energy gel, water refill, and support stations are provided along the route.
Race medal for finishers who complete within their respective time limit
Finisher’s T-shirt
Finisher's certificate
Other exclusive offers and vouchers from our race partners
Meal at finish line
Recognition by RAAM for finishers, along with a certificate and an invitation to participate in RAAM (distributed by RAAM, applicable to RAM700 and RAM1000 finishers).
What mandatory equipment is required to bring during the race?
At the starting line, our crew will conduct a bike inspection to ensure that all required gear is present and in proper condition. Here is a list of the necessary gear that is required for all distances:-
CE standard approved helmet
Front bike light*
Rear bike light x2*
High visibility waistcoat or reflective harness
GPS meter with downloaded route in one or more segments
Repair kits**
Identity card
Mobile phone***
Water reserve minimum 500ML
Food reserve (Recommendation: 400kcal)
* With batteries or spare battery for each lamp
** Includes multi tools, 2 chambers, 3 tyre changers, Pump, Patches, and glue)
*** Keep your phone on, do not hide your number, and ensure it is fully charged before departure.
How many support stations are available along the route?
There are two support stations along the route, located at KM300 and KM680. These stations also serve as the finish line for RAM300 and RAM700. For RAM1000 racers, these support stations provide opportunities to refill water, energy gel, spare tubes, bike tools, and obtain basic medical supplies.
How can I return to the starting point after completing the race in the solo self-support category?
We offer transportation services for racers, especially for overseas participants. The arrangements will depend on the number of racers, and we will announce the details 21 days before the race.
How to win the race and what winners get?
In all Race Across Series events sanctioned by RAAM, every finisher is considered a winner. However, for documentation purposes, the top three places in each category will be identified, and they will receive trophies. Additionally, all other finishers will receive a finisher medal, T-shirt, certificate, and an invitation to race in RAAM, which will be sent by RAAM.
Do I need insurance for the event?
Riders have the option to purchase an insurance policy from the company of their choice, with a sum assured of their preference.
I gave up, how can I get my drop-bags back?
All drop-bags will be delivered to support stations and finish line. The repatriation period depends on logistical constraint and the organizer cannot guarantee the complete repatriation of bags before the end of the event. As the content of the bags is not checked, no dispute over the content on arrival is admissible. It is recommended that you do not place valuables in your bag.
All drop-bags that are not picked up on site after the race will be transferred back to the organizer. The crew will contact the bags' owners to arrange pick up or if the bags are sent by parcel post. This will be at the participant's expense.