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Badan Warisan Malaysia
Badan Warisan Malaysia, 2, Jalan Stonor, 50450, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: WALKING THE TALK will be organized at Badan Warisan Malaysia on 1 August 2015.
* For many across the world including many in Malaysia, sustainable development is the way to go. This ‘Conversation’ is organized to help spur awareness of what the private and public sectors can do in relation to this agenda. This means what institutions and individuals can do in the daily course of their activities in support of this drive.

* This talk will feature Dato’ Dr. Ken Yeang who will be speaking on ‘Conservation of the Natural Environment by Design’ and our President, Ar. Laurence Loh will be speaking on ‘Heritage Sustainable Development’.

* Participants will be given a free copy of a new book by Dr Yeoh Poh Seng on Corporate Governance which contains a chapter on governance in the Civil Society Organisation’s sector.

* For registration, please visit to this website http://badanwarisanmalaysia.org/2015/07/22/sustainable-development-walking-the-talk/


Badan Warisan Malaysia
Badan Warisan Malaysia, 2, Jalan Stonor, 50450, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Badan Warisan Malaysia
Badan Warisan Malaysia (The Heritage of Malaysia Trust) is the leading national heritage NGO with a reputation for excellence in heritage conservation services spanning nearly 30 years. As an independent registered charity, our role is to raise awareness of heritage issues and advocate for a conservation-friendly environment in Malaysia.
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Badan Warisan Malaysia
Badan Warisan Malaysia, 2, Jalan Stonor, 50450, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Event Expired
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: WALKING THE TALK will be organized at Badan Warisan Malaysia on 1 August 2015.
* For many across the world including many in Malaysia, sustainable development is the way to go. This ‘Conversation’ is organized to help spur awareness of what the private and public sectors can do in relation to this agenda. This means what institutions and individuals can do in the daily course of their activities in support of this drive.

* This talk will feature Dato’ Dr. Ken Yeang who will be speaking on ‘Conservation of the Natural Environment by Design’ and our President, Ar. Laurence Loh will be speaking on ‘Heritage Sustainable Development’.

* Participants will be given a free copy of a new book by Dr Yeoh Poh Seng on Corporate Governance which contains a chapter on governance in the Civil Society Organisation’s sector.

* For registration, please visit to this website http://badanwarisanmalaysia.org/2015/07/22/sustainable-development-walking-the-talk/


Badan Warisan Malaysia
Badan Warisan Malaysia, 2, Jalan Stonor, 50450, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Badan Warisan Malaysia
Badan Warisan Malaysia (The Heritage of Malaysia Trust) is the leading national heritage NGO with a reputation for excellence in heritage conservation services spanning nearly 30 years. As an independent registered charity, our role is to raise awareness of heritage issues and advocate for a conservation-friendly environment in Malaysia.
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