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GSC Pavilion
GSC Pavilion, Lot C5.02 Level 5 & Lot C6.01 Level 6, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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FAST TRACK SOUTHEAST ASIA 2015 will be organized at GSC Pavilion on 11 & 12 August 2015.
* Through new technology and the massive power and reach of the Internet, we can now enjoy a huge range of quality screen entertainment, music and sport, in more ways, at more times, in more places than ever before. And that’s great news for audiences and content creators and distributors alike. While Southeast Asia has been disadvantaged from a lowly position on the starting grid, it benefits from a massive young population that’s tech’d up and hungry for content. But is the region is poised to accelerate into the fast track of digital economic growth?

* Join digital content executives, creatives & Government representatives, from around Southeast Asia for a day and a half of engaging discussion and networking , in the form of a conference, panel discussions, Q&A, mini-exhibition and networking events. Speakers from : MPA, IFPI, MDec, CASBAA, MSI, Yonder Music, Xstream, Primeworks, One Stop Music, Case Creativity, Motofixio, Singtel, CCP, Graymatics, and others.

* For online registration, please visit to this website https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/fast-track-2015-tickets-16428385744


GSC Pavilion
GSC Pavilion, Lot C5.02 Level 5 & Lot C6.01 Level 6, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Centre for Content Promotion
The Centre for Content Promotion was previously known as the Centre for Content Protection. Established in 2007, the Centre for Content Protection is a consortium committed to shaping Asia Pacific’s digital future through innovative technologies that provide secure ways for consumers to enjoy anywhere, anytime access to their favourite movies and television programs.
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GSC Pavilion
GSC Pavilion, Lot C5.02 Level 5 & Lot C6.01 Level 6, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Event Expired
FAST TRACK SOUTHEAST ASIA 2015 will be organized at GSC Pavilion on 11 & 12 August 2015.
* Through new technology and the massive power and reach of the Internet, we can now enjoy a huge range of quality screen entertainment, music and sport, in more ways, at more times, in more places than ever before. And that’s great news for audiences and content creators and distributors alike. While Southeast Asia has been disadvantaged from a lowly position on the starting grid, it benefits from a massive young population that’s tech’d up and hungry for content. But is the region is poised to accelerate into the fast track of digital economic growth?

* Join digital content executives, creatives & Government representatives, from around Southeast Asia for a day and a half of engaging discussion and networking , in the form of a conference, panel discussions, Q&A, mini-exhibition and networking events. Speakers from : MPA, IFPI, MDec, CASBAA, MSI, Yonder Music, Xstream, Primeworks, One Stop Music, Case Creativity, Motofixio, Singtel, CCP, Graymatics, and others.

* For online registration, please visit to this website https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/fast-track-2015-tickets-16428385744


GSC Pavilion
GSC Pavilion, Lot C5.02 Level 5 & Lot C6.01 Level 6, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Centre for Content Promotion
The Centre for Content Promotion was previously known as the Centre for Content Protection. Established in 2007, the Centre for Content Protection is a consortium committed to shaping Asia Pacific’s digital future through innovative technologies that provide secure ways for consumers to enjoy anywhere, anytime access to their favourite movies and television programs.
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