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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
International School of Kuala Lumpur Secondary
International School of Kuala Lumpur Secondary, 68000, 68000, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

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Mathematics Specialists in International Schools (Course 2) will be organized at International School of Kuala Lumpur Secondary on 23 - 25 March 2016.

* MSIS is a 2 year Mathematics Specialist program for K-8 teachers. The program is a coherent sequence of 5 Institutes designed to expand teachers' understanding of the Common Core Standards, how students learn that content, evidence of student understanding, and how to work with peers in a mentoring relationship.
The institutes are four three day face to face institutes with a follow-up online component. The fifth institute is a summer institute.

Upon completion of the five institutes, participants will be awarded a Math specialist certificate from the Office of Overseas Schools AERO Project.

* Certificate Requirements:
- Attend and participate in the five 3-day face-to-face institutes during the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years;
- Participate in online follow up discussions and requirements following each face-to-face institute.

* Registration Requirements and Process:
- Bachelor's Degree from an accredited institution;
- A valid Education Teaching License;
- Currently employed teaching in an international school for a minimum of 3 years;
- A letter of interest expressing a 2 year commitment to the project;
- A letter of recommendation from a current school administrator
- Please email the letters of interest and recommendation to Su-Yen Chan at [email protected]. You will be notified within three days of submission.
- Once approved, please go ahead and register yourself or your team.
- Registration is on a first come first served basis.

* For online registration, please visit to this website http://www.eventbrite.com/e/mathematics-specialists-in-international-schools-course-2-tickets-18340051588?aff=es2


International School of Kuala Lumpur Secondary
International School of Kuala Lumpur Secondary, 68000, 68000, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

International School of Kuala Lumpur Secondary
ISKL is a private, not for profit, parent-governed school accredited in the United States through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and internationally through the Council of International Schools (CIS). ISKL has no shareholders. We pay no dividends. Our only business is the education of your children.
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Mathematics Specialists in International Schools (Course 2)

International School of Kuala Lumpur Secondary
International School of Kuala Lumpur Secondary, 68000, 68000, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia
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Event Expired
Mathematics Specialists in International Schools (Course 2) will be organized at International School of Kuala Lumpur Secondary on 23 - 25 March 2016.

* MSIS is a 2 year Mathematics Specialist program for K-8 teachers. The program is a coherent sequence of 5 Institutes designed to expand teachers' understanding of the Common Core Standards, how students learn that content, evidence of student understanding, and how to work with peers in a mentoring relationship.
The institutes are four three day face to face institutes with a follow-up online component. The fifth institute is a summer institute.

Upon completion of the five institutes, participants will be awarded a Math specialist certificate from the Office of Overseas Schools AERO Project.

* Certificate Requirements:
- Attend and participate in the five 3-day face-to-face institutes during the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years;
- Participate in online follow up discussions and requirements following each face-to-face institute.

* Registration Requirements and Process:
- Bachelor's Degree from an accredited institution;
- A valid Education Teaching License;
- Currently employed teaching in an international school for a minimum of 3 years;
- A letter of interest expressing a 2 year commitment to the project;
- A letter of recommendation from a current school administrator
- Please email the letters of interest and recommendation to Su-Yen Chan at [email protected]. You will be notified within three days of submission.
- Once approved, please go ahead and register yourself or your team.
- Registration is on a first come first served basis.

* For online registration, please visit to this website http://www.eventbrite.com/e/mathematics-specialists-in-international-schools-course-2-tickets-18340051588?aff=es2


International School of Kuala Lumpur Secondary
International School of Kuala Lumpur Secondary, 68000, 68000, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia
International School of Kuala Lumpur Secondary
ISKL is a private, not for profit, parent-governed school accredited in the United States through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and internationally through the Council of International Schools (CIS). ISKL has no shareholders. We pay no dividends. Our only business is the education of your children.
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