June Monthly Talk: The Value of Cancer Treatment - is it worth it? will be organized at VSQ@PJ City Centre, 6th Floor, Block 2, Jalan Utara, Section 14, Petaling Jaya, Selangor on 18th June 2016 (Saturday).
* For more information, please visit this website https://www.eventbrite.com/e/june-monthly-talk-the-value-of-cancer-treatment-is-it-worth-it-tickets-25772936547?aff=ebrowse
“With the advent of new treatments, more people are surviving cancer, but at what cost? New high end treatments have led to inequality in access to healthcare, when innovation is just too unaffordable for the average patient. Are we getting value for our money, or only the promise of better outcomes? How do we decide what is best for us? Getting the best treatment for yourself is not necessarily the most costly.”
Our Monthly Talk for June which will be held on 18th June 2016 features Dr Saunthari who is the President and Medical Director of the National Cancer Society Malaysia. Her sharing will include information from her recent participation in an international conference on cancer.