Triptyque will be organized at Dewan Sri Pinang, Jalan Tun Syed Sheh Barakbah, Georgetown, George Town, Penang on 26th August 2016 - 27th August 2016 (Friday - Saturday).
* For more information, please visit this website
“A perfect marriage of circus art and contemporary dance.” - Le Journal de Montreal
Having staged a performance at the 2012 Academy Awards Ceremony and directed the first segment of the Opening Ceremony at the Sochi Olympic games, Canadian-based Les 7 doigts de la main brings the Asian premiere of Triptyque to George Town Festival. A mesmerising three-part show from the beginning to the end, it is an ingenious spectacle where circus acrobatics meet contemporary dance.
Triptyque is a collaboration between three of the world’s most well-known choreographers, Marie Chouinard, Victor Quijada and Marcos Morau. The show is directed by Samuel Tétreault, co-founder and co-Artistic Director of Les 7 doigts de la main, who also performs in all three pieces. The result of this collaboration pushes boundaries towards the undefinable, uncategorisable, visceral, breathtaking and touchingly human.
- - No Latecomers.
- - No admittance for Children under 6 years of Age.
- - The Organizer reserves the right and ultimate discretion to refuse admission to customers taking health & safety, environmental and security concerns into account.