Towards a more Equal Society | by Incitement

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Impact Hub
Impact Hub, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Towards a more Equal Society | by Incitement will be organized at Impact Hub Kuala Lumpur - D7 Sentul East Design Centre Jalan Sentul, Kuala Lumpur on 29th July 2016 (Friday).

* For more information, please visit this website

About The Event

“I speak not for myself but for those without voice… those who have fought for their rights… their right to live in peace, their right to be treated with dignity, their right to equality of opportunity, their right to be educated.” —Malala Yousafzai

While we often complain how we don't have enough money to buy the next-best-gadget, the latest products or even go shopping, has it ever occurred to you that there are still individuals who don't have enough to bring food to the table or to get through the month? Or the thousands of children from marginalised communities with little to no access to proper education like the rest of us do? Does that sound like equality to you?

No doubt Malaysia is one of the ASEAN countries with a higher economic growth over the past years. Malaysian is constantly growing and developing.  But with such economic growth comes with great responsibilities. The kind of responsibilities such as providing the underprivileged communities in need, their right to new doors and opportunities to proper health care, education, employment and so much more.

We can wait for higher authorities to do something about the issue or you can initiate. This is the moment where the society and YOU come in to play the part to join hands for the public welfare and safety.

In this Episode of Incitement, we will focus on the three main social issues that are affecting every individual directly and even indirectly: health, education and unemployment. Our speakers will present the main problems all Malaysians are facing, that aren't only affecting us but those around us and how we can solve them in a way that won't hurt our bank accounts or even our lifestyle but rather, enriches it.


Impact Hub
Impact Hub, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Founded in Malaysia in 2011, and now hosting monthly events in over 40 countries worldwide, Incitement is a social business that is rapidly becoming the world's largest movement for youth entrepreneurs. Incitement encourages and empowers youth to launch ideas that matter by delivering inspirational and motivational talks, powerful networking, exercises, and mentorship opportunities.
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Towards a more Equal Society | by Incitement

Impact Hub
Impact Hub, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
0 Days
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Event Expired

Towards a more Equal Society | by Incitement will be organized at Impact Hub Kuala Lumpur - D7 Sentul East Design Centre Jalan Sentul, Kuala Lumpur on 29th July 2016 (Friday).

* For more information, please visit this website

About The Event

“I speak not for myself but for those without voice… those who have fought for their rights… their right to live in peace, their right to be treated with dignity, their right to equality of opportunity, their right to be educated.” —Malala Yousafzai

While we often complain how we don't have enough money to buy the next-best-gadget, the latest products or even go shopping, has it ever occurred to you that there are still individuals who don't have enough to bring food to the table or to get through the month? Or the thousands of children from marginalised communities with little to no access to proper education like the rest of us do? Does that sound like equality to you?

No doubt Malaysia is one of the ASEAN countries with a higher economic growth over the past years. Malaysian is constantly growing and developing.  But with such economic growth comes with great responsibilities. The kind of responsibilities such as providing the underprivileged communities in need, their right to new doors and opportunities to proper health care, education, employment and so much more.

We can wait for higher authorities to do something about the issue or you can initiate. This is the moment where the society and YOU come in to play the part to join hands for the public welfare and safety.

In this Episode of Incitement, we will focus on the three main social issues that are affecting every individual directly and even indirectly: health, education and unemployment. Our speakers will present the main problems all Malaysians are facing, that aren't only affecting us but those around us and how we can solve them in a way that won't hurt our bank accounts or even our lifestyle but rather, enriches it.


Impact Hub
Impact Hub, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Founded in Malaysia in 2011, and now hosting monthly events in over 40 countries worldwide, Incitement is a social business that is rapidly becoming the world's largest movement for youth entrepreneurs. Incitement encourages and empowers youth to launch ideas that matter by delivering inspirational and motivational talks, powerful networking, exercises, and mentorship opportunities.
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