2016 LLG Run 3.0

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Event {{$t("Expired")}}
Taman Botani Negara
Taman Botani Negara, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

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2016 LLG Run 3.0 will be organized at Taman Botani Negara, Shah Alam on 30th October 2016 (Sunday).

* For online registration, please visit this website http://pacerssport.my/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=92

1. 日期 DATE: 2016年10月30日(星期日)30th October 2016 (Sunday)

2. 时间 TIME:早上7时 7:00am (报到时间 Reporting Time:早上6时6:00am)

3. 地点 VENUE:Taman Botani Negara, Shah Alam

4. 宗旨 OBJECTIVE:弘扬林连玉“多彩多姿、共存共荣”精神 To propagate the core value of the Late Lim Lian Geok, i.e“Abundance in
Diversity, Prosperity in Co-Existence” 促进社会各族群及各阶层之和谐共处 To promote the harmonious co-existence of different ethnics and social strata 鼓励全民运动及开创健康生活 To encourage sports and create a healthy life.

  奖励 PRIZE:1st to 10th for each category.

5.1 奖牌 MEDAL 5.2 奖杯 TROPHY

All Participants will be given a free T-shirt upon producing of the official receipt during collection day.

7. 参赛者必须准时抵达赛会地点,同时穿上义跑的T-恤及佩戴参赛编号,直至义跑赛程结束为止,违规者将被取消得奖资格。
All Participants are required to be punctual and must wear Bib No through out the race. Failing which the runners will be disqualified and not entitled to receive the prize.

8. 领取T-恤及编号的日期、时间及地点 Date, time and venue for collection of T-shirt & Bib No 日期 Date:22/10/2016星期六 (Saturday)
23/10/2016星期日 (Sunday) 时间 Time:10am-5pm
地点 Venue:林连玉纪念馆 Memorial Lim Lian Geok No. 89 & 91, Jalan Maharajalela, 50150 Kuala Lumpur.1


9.1 网上报名 Online registration:Pacers Sport Enterprise ( www.pacerssport.my)

9.2 表格报名处:林连玉基金及各指定单位 Offline Registration Centres

10. 付款方法 PAYMENT:

10.1 现金: 报名费连同报名表格交至林连玉基金。
Cash : Registration fees together with Registration Form should be submitted by hand to LLG .

10.2 支票或汇票:支票抬头请志明“林连玉基金”或汇款至林连玉基金大众银行户口号码:3155631331。请将汇款单据连同报名表格传真、电邮或WhatsApp(019-2802496)到林连玉基金。
Cheque/Direct bank in: Registration fees shall be payable to LLG Cultural Development Centre Berhad (Public Bank A /C No : 3155 631 33 1),t he ban k in s lip toget her w ith registra tion form sh ould be faxed,e-mailed or WhatsApp (0 19-2802496) to LLG.
10.3 以汇款报名者,请于三天内,通知及确认汇款,确实报名有效。不明汇款将充当乐捐林连玉基金。
Participants who register by bank-payment must check and confirm their registration with LLG office within 3 days. Otherwise, the unidentified payment will be considered as donation to LLG.

11. 凡报名后,主办单位一概不退还报名费。
Registration fees for all categories are not refundable.

12. 若因不可预测的因素,活动被迫取消,主办单位恕不退还报名费。
No refund of registration fee if the event is cancelled due to force majeure of circumstances beyond the control of the organiser.

13. 报名截止日期 CLOSING DATE: 23/9/2016 (23:59) 或额满为止 (3000) or subjected to quota allowed (3000).

14. 身体健康欠佳者,请先咨询医生后才报名。
Participants with physical discomfort are advised to consult your doctor prior to registration.

15. 对以上条规,如出现任何争议,主办单位的决定将是最后的决定。
Organiser’s decision is final in the event of any dispute.

16. 询问处 Enquiry:-
LLG Cultural Development Centre Berhad
Memorial Lim Lian Geok, No 89 & 91, Jalan Maharajalela, 50150 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel:03-21422496/2497 Fax:03-21422487
Email: [email protected]

Pacers Sport Enterprise
NO. 7A, Jalan Mohd Tahir 8, Taman Sri Mewah 4,
Off Jalan Sungai Jati, 41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Fax: 03-33711128

林连玉基金 LLG CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE BHD 03 2142 2496 / 97 / 012 722 9535 / 017 245 2359 Pacers Sport Enterprise :YTWong 018-3695703 / Chun Yap 016-9739925 / Mr. Wong 012-3101379

Distance: 5km  & 10km

A - Men's Open - 10km (18yrs & above) - RM65
B - Women's Open -10km (18yrs & above) - RM65
C - Men's Open -5km (18yrs & above) - RM55
D - Women's Open -5km (18yrs & above) - RM55
E - Secondary School Boys -5km ( 13-17yrs) - RM55
F - Secondary School Girls -5km ( 13-17yrs) - RM55
G - Primary School Boys -5km ( 7-12yrs) - RM50
H - Primary School Girls -5km ( 7-12yrs) - RM50
I - Family Team -5km - RM50/pax

Manual Registration:
LLG Cultural Development Centre Berhad
Memorial Lim Lian Geok, No 89 & 91, Jalan Maharajalela, 50150 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel:03-21422496/2497 Fax:03-21422487
Email: [email protected]

Closing Date:  16th Sep 2016 or first 3000 participants

PRIZES: 1st to 10th for each category.

Race Kit Collection:
Date :22/10/20 (Saturday)  &  23/10/2016 (Sunday)
Venue: Memorial Lim Lian Geok No. 89 & 91, Jalan Maharajalela,  Kuala Lumpur.

Further Enquiry:
Tel:03-21422496/2497 Fax:03-21422487
Email: [email protected]


Taman Botani Negara
Taman Botani Negara, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

The organizer did not describe themself much.
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2016 LLG Run 3.0

Taman Botani Negara
Taman Botani Negara, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
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Event Expired

2016 LLG Run 3.0 will be organized at Taman Botani Negara, Shah Alam on 30th October 2016 (Sunday).

* For online registration, please visit this website http://pacerssport.my/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=92

1. 日期 DATE: 2016年10月30日(星期日)30th October 2016 (Sunday)

2. 时间 TIME:早上7时 7:00am (报到时间 Reporting Time:早上6时6:00am)

3. 地点 VENUE:Taman Botani Negara, Shah Alam

4. 宗旨 OBJECTIVE:弘扬林连玉“多彩多姿、共存共荣”精神 To propagate the core value of the Late Lim Lian Geok, i.e“Abundance in
Diversity, Prosperity in Co-Existence” 促进社会各族群及各阶层之和谐共处 To promote the harmonious co-existence of different ethnics and social strata 鼓励全民运动及开创健康生活 To encourage sports and create a healthy life.

  奖励 PRIZE:1st to 10th for each category.

5.1 奖牌 MEDAL 5.2 奖杯 TROPHY

All Participants will be given a free T-shirt upon producing of the official receipt during collection day.

7. 参赛者必须准时抵达赛会地点,同时穿上义跑的T-恤及佩戴参赛编号,直至义跑赛程结束为止,违规者将被取消得奖资格。
All Participants are required to be punctual and must wear Bib No through out the race. Failing which the runners will be disqualified and not entitled to receive the prize.

8. 领取T-恤及编号的日期、时间及地点 Date, time and venue for collection of T-shirt & Bib No 日期 Date:22/10/2016星期六 (Saturday)
23/10/2016星期日 (Sunday) 时间 Time:10am-5pm
地点 Venue:林连玉纪念馆 Memorial Lim Lian Geok No. 89 & 91, Jalan Maharajalela, 50150 Kuala Lumpur.1


9.1 网上报名 Online registration:Pacers Sport Enterprise ( www.pacerssport.my)

9.2 表格报名处:林连玉基金及各指定单位 Offline Registration Centres

10. 付款方法 PAYMENT:

10.1 现金: 报名费连同报名表格交至林连玉基金。
Cash : Registration fees together with Registration Form should be submitted by hand to LLG .

10.2 支票或汇票:支票抬头请志明“林连玉基金”或汇款至林连玉基金大众银行户口号码:3155631331。请将汇款单据连同报名表格传真、电邮或WhatsApp(019-2802496)到林连玉基金。
Cheque/Direct bank in: Registration fees shall be payable to LLG Cultural Development Centre Berhad (Public Bank A /C No : 3155 631 33 1),t he ban k in s lip toget her w ith registra tion form sh ould be faxed,e-mailed or WhatsApp (0 19-2802496) to LLG.
10.3 以汇款报名者,请于三天内,通知及确认汇款,确实报名有效。不明汇款将充当乐捐林连玉基金。
Participants who register by bank-payment must check and confirm their registration with LLG office within 3 days. Otherwise, the unidentified payment will be considered as donation to LLG.

11. 凡报名后,主办单位一概不退还报名费。
Registration fees for all categories are not refundable.

12. 若因不可预测的因素,活动被迫取消,主办单位恕不退还报名费。
No refund of registration fee if the event is cancelled due to force majeure of circumstances beyond the control of the organiser.

13. 报名截止日期 CLOSING DATE: 23/9/2016 (23:59) 或额满为止 (3000) or subjected to quota allowed (3000).

14. 身体健康欠佳者,请先咨询医生后才报名。
Participants with physical discomfort are advised to consult your doctor prior to registration.

15. 对以上条规,如出现任何争议,主办单位的决定将是最后的决定。
Organiser’s decision is final in the event of any dispute.

16. 询问处 Enquiry:-
LLG Cultural Development Centre Berhad
Memorial Lim Lian Geok, No 89 & 91, Jalan Maharajalela, 50150 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel:03-21422496/2497 Fax:03-21422487
Email: [email protected]

Pacers Sport Enterprise
NO. 7A, Jalan Mohd Tahir 8, Taman Sri Mewah 4,
Off Jalan Sungai Jati, 41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Fax: 03-33711128

林连玉基金 LLG CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE BHD 03 2142 2496 / 97 / 012 722 9535 / 017 245 2359 Pacers Sport Enterprise :YTWong 018-3695703 / Chun Yap 016-9739925 / Mr. Wong 012-3101379

Distance: 5km  & 10km

A - Men's Open - 10km (18yrs & above) - RM65
B - Women's Open -10km (18yrs & above) - RM65
C - Men's Open -5km (18yrs & above) - RM55
D - Women's Open -5km (18yrs & above) - RM55
E - Secondary School Boys -5km ( 13-17yrs) - RM55
F - Secondary School Girls -5km ( 13-17yrs) - RM55
G - Primary School Boys -5km ( 7-12yrs) - RM50
H - Primary School Girls -5km ( 7-12yrs) - RM50
I - Family Team -5km - RM50/pax

Manual Registration:
LLG Cultural Development Centre Berhad
Memorial Lim Lian Geok, No 89 & 91, Jalan Maharajalela, 50150 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel:03-21422496/2497 Fax:03-21422487
Email: [email protected]

Closing Date:  16th Sep 2016 or first 3000 participants

PRIZES: 1st to 10th for each category.

Race Kit Collection:
Date :22/10/20 (Saturday)  &  23/10/2016 (Sunday)
Venue: Memorial Lim Lian Geok No. 89 & 91, Jalan Maharajalela,  Kuala Lumpur.

Further Enquiry:
Tel:03-21422496/2497 Fax:03-21422487
Email: [email protected]


Taman Botani Negara
Taman Botani Negara, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
The organizer did not describe themself much.
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