Mud House Building Course 造土屋课程 will be organized at Green Life Project《绿善林》on 12th August 2016 (Friday).
* For more information, please visit this website
造土屋架构日期: 12 - 16/8/2016 (5天连续上课,所有学员必须参与)之后的日期学员都可随兴参与(免费)直到完成作品。
时间: 每日9am - 5pm
学费: Rm480 (无包宿食)
造土屋日期:17/8/2016,18/8/2016 或 19/8/2016
时间:10am ~ 3pm
Rm50/天~ 由老者Mairom陪同也许会有额外惊喜!
造土屋日期:24/8/2016 直到 19/9/2016
时间:10am ~ 3pm
Rm30/天~ Mairom老者飞回泰国了!我们继续至完成作品!
Estimated Mud House Building Period: 12/8/2016 - 19 /9/2016
Package A)
Building of Mud House’s structure Date: 12-16/8/2016
(5 consecutive days, all students MUST participate), following days till completion of Mud House are most welcome but not mandatory (free of charge).
Time : Daily 9am - 5pm
Course includes:
~ Mud House building techniques and theory
~ Mud House’s Structure
~ Artistic Mud House design plans
~ Hands-on building the Mud House
Fees: Rm480 (not included meals & accommodation)
☆ Participants can choose to camp at Green Life (bring own tent and sleeping bag) or rent room at nearby village (Rm100 per week per room for 2-pax)
☆ Lunch at nearby village or packed lunch (please bring own cutlery and cup)
☆ Mud House site is at wild land (Please bring more drinking water)
Package B)
Mud House building Date: 17/8/16,18/8/16 or 19/8/16 (3 days)
Time: 10am ~ 3pm
Rm50 /day (to be accompanied by Mr Mairom , may discover additional surprises!!!)
Only accept 10-pax per day
☆Participants allow to camp at Green Life (bring own tent and sleeping bag).
☆ Bring own drinking water.
☆ Mud House site is at wild land, cooking is inconvenience.Please bring own lunch, cutlery and cup.
Package C)
Mud House building Date: 24/8 /16 - 19/9/16
Time: 10am ~ 3pm
Rm30 / day ~ Mr. Mairom flew back to Thailand! We continue to work till Mud House completion!
Only accept 15-pax per day
☆Participants allow to camp at Green Life, bring own tent and sleeping bag.
☆ Bring own drinking water
☆ Mud House site is at wild land, cooking is inconvenience. Please bring own lunch, cutlery and cup.
Register NOW, Space is Limited!!
Register NOW, Space is Limited!!
Registration form