World #QuranHour @CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe

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CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe
CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe, Mutiara Damansara, 47810, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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World #QuranHour @CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe will be organized at CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe on 11th September 2016 (Sunday).

* For more information, please visit this website

World #QuranHour is an event to get as many people around the world to read, understand and apply knowledge from the Quran.

This year World #QuranHour or #DuniaNgaji will be launched on 9 Zulhijjah 1437H at Arafah, Saudi Arabia and at a TBD location in Malaysia. This is done at the end of the 24-hour continuous 1-hour with Al-Quran from each of 31 cities around the world covering 30 juzuk of the Quran. Bi idznillah.


CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe
CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe, Mutiara Damansara, 47810, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe
A one stop cafe with a lot of excitement. Not just only serving delicious food and varieties of drinks from espresso to milk shake but we also provides u with a "stress free" environment where you can relieve all your stress here by doing ceramic art painting using your own creativity at your own time. You will definitely love it! The ceramic art painting are suitable for adults and kids (above 3 years old approximately).
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World #QuranHour @CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe

CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe
CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe, Mutiara Damansara, 47810, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
0 Days
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Event Expired

World #QuranHour @CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe will be organized at CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe on 11th September 2016 (Sunday).

* For more information, please visit this website

World #QuranHour is an event to get as many people around the world to read, understand and apply knowledge from the Quran.

This year World #QuranHour or #DuniaNgaji will be launched on 9 Zulhijjah 1437H at Arafah, Saudi Arabia and at a TBD location in Malaysia. This is done at the end of the 24-hour continuous 1-hour with Al-Quran from each of 31 cities around the world covering 30 juzuk of the Quran. Bi idznillah.


CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe
CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe, Mutiara Damansara, 47810, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
CuppaTicca Ceramic Cafe
A one stop cafe with a lot of excitement. Not just only serving delicious food and varieties of drinks from espresso to milk shake but we also provides u with a "stress free" environment where you can relieve all your stress here by doing ceramic art painting using your own creativity at your own time. You will definitely love it! The ceramic art painting are suitable for adults and kids (above 3 years old approximately).
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