MRCA Retail Conference 2017: "Innovation: The Future is Now"
by Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA)
In today's multichannel marketplace, consumers are flooded with more options of what and where to buy than ever before. With each interaction, they choose which retailers they support not only with money, but with time, attention, personal data, and social capital. That's no small investment to make, and as a result customers are turning to retailers and brands that not only sell the products they want, but deliver the end to end experience they want as well. Digital's growing impact requires companies to take a different approach to retail, regardless of channel or platform. Mobile, collaboration, and automation technologies allow retailers and brands to scale new services such as always-on assistance, intelligent transactions, and on-demand delivery to make the purchase path as seamless as possible. And, with each interaction, advanced analytics solutions gather data that provides a more nuanced understanding of the individual shopper - in real time, at the moment of decision.
MRCA Retail Conference 2017 will be held on July 12, themed "Innovation: The Future is Now, the conference will be focusing into the rapid evolving retail landscape, newer technologies, newer business models and big data that suggests the shopping process is on the verge of a quantum leap into an unknown shopping realm. The result is a powerful need to understand critical retailing areas in which innovations are changing the game, so that we can better understand where the retailing field will be evolving in the future.
We are all well aware that technology can help retailers target appropriate consumers; technology also enables consumers to make better informed decisions about which products or services to consume, yet not all consumer decisions rely on extensive information searches and detailed decision processes. Some decisions are spontaneous, produced quickly while shopping online or in stores, often prompted by strategic visual presentations and merchandise assortments crafted by the retailer. Therefore, the innovation that we are talking about here is not only limited to the cyberworld, we are looking at the integration of both online and offline.
In summary, through this conference, we would like to see a gathering of speakers from various sectors, to share with us their views towards our theme: "Innovation: The Future is Now", impact and future of innovation for both sectors.

*Note: The above itinerary is tentative & subject to change.
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** Strictly no refund for this conference.