- 生化汤 - 产后散瘀,活血生新
- 田七汤 - 行血祛瘀, 排出恶露
- 活血汤 - 精神衰弱, 忧郁健忘
- 补脑汤 - 驱风治头痛, 宁神减压
- 参芪汤 - 补气提神, 养血补心
- 养肝汤 - 补肝益肾
- 调经汤 - 产后血虚, 收缩子宫
- 八珍汤 - 调经温身, 帮助新陈代谢
- 当归汤 - 治血补, 血补身
- 四枣汤 - 补血润肠
- 鲍鱼汤 - 益智宁神
- 十全大补汤 - 大补元气
- 花旗参汤 - 滋阴润燥, 补气提神
- 人参汤 - 益气, 滋阴
- 健脾汤 - 祛风, 健脾开胃
- 补肾汤 - 固肾补腰, 固本培元
- 虫草补气汤 - 补肺益气
- 杏仁滋补汤 - 润肺, 滋润养颜
- 银耳清心汤 - 滋阴养颜, 清心润肤
- 首乌汤 - 黑发养颜, 补血润燥
- 灵芝汤 - 延缓衰老
- 养生汤 - 养生健脾祛湿
- 牛膝汤 - 舒筋活络
- 阿胶汤 - 补血, 滋养四肢
- 高丽参汤 - 产后保养
- 杜仲补腰汤 - 健腰益肾, 强身壮骨
- 安宫饮 - 暖子宫, 有助于怀孕下一胎
- 滋阴汤 - 滋阴补气, 安神
通乳汤 - 通乳, 乳胀不通,通乳活血, 乳汁不足可加猪蹄
上述产后调补秘方, 本公司可提供产后坐月的各种查询及欢迎光临。
Personal Profile; 个人简介
Dr. Of TCM Khor Sea Moon; 许丝敏中医师 营养顾问

Name: Khor Sea Moon (Dr. Of TCM & Nutrition Advisor)
D.O.B: 1978
Sex: Female
- Impotencies and gynaecology issues(herbal remedies)
- Abdominal acupuncture
- Facial acupuncture
- Nutritional and healthy eating advisor
- Currently studying TCM PhD in Gynecology at Nanjing University of Chinese Medication, China
- Master Degree in TCM from Heilongjiang University, China
- Baba (hons)degree, Robert Gordon University, Scotland UK
- ACUPUNCTURE specialisation diploma, KLATCM TCM degree, KLATCM
- Diploma in diet & nutrition for complementary therapist, ITEC UK
- Diploma in counselling, local college
- Attended TCM specialist courses from time to time.
- “ Long sha medical school eighth batch of transmission of disciples
- Have been practising TCM for more than 14 years since 2002, specialised in abdominal acupuncture and herbal description to assist in impotencies, to help ladies in pre and post natal issues, slimming and beauty therapies and nutritional advices for health retaining. Conducting medical vision services locally and overseas to benefits people from sickness.
姓名: 许丝敏(中医师 营养顾问)
出世年份: 1978
性别: 女
专长治疗 :
- 不孕症与妇科疾病(经方)
- 腹针疗法
- 美容针灸
- 营养饮食顾问
学历 :