If your booking is less than 50 pax, your "Booking Date" is not FINAL and your session will be combined with another session with other participants on a different date. ZOO NEGARA will contact you to check the availability of the final booking date. We reserve the right to change the camping date. Once your booking is confirmed, our services team will contact you for the nearest/upcoming booking date.
Terms & Conditions:
- Minimum 50 pax to host this experience. If the event needs to be canceled due to insufficient sign-ups or other unforeseen circumstances, we will inform the participants before the scheduled date. Participants can reschedule to another date.
- Tickets sold are not refundable.
- The minimum age requirement for our Zoo Camp is 3 years old accompanied by adults.
- Do not feed our animals or any wild animals in Zoo Negara.
- Do not make loud noises, harass the animals by throwing stones or teasing them in any way.
- Do not toss coins, sticks or similar items into exhibits. Our animals may choke or injure themselves.
- Do not cross barriers, stand on railings or enter the enclosures.
- Do not litter or pick up plants or flowers.
- Skateboards, skates, bicycles, radios, balloons, in-line skates and fire-crackers of any kind are not allowed on site.
- Smoking and vaping are prohibited.
- Children must be attended to at all times. Please monitor your children's movements. Please refrain from climbing, jumping or running to avoid injuries.
- Pets are not permitted in the zoo.
- No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the zoo.
- Please adhere to our rules and regulations while in the zoo compounds for your own safety.
- All participants are fully responsible for their own belongings, health and safety. The Management of Zoo Negara Malaysia/Malaysian Zoological Society and its personnel will NOT be held responsible for any accidents, loss, claims, damage and injuries to the participant and personal property.
- Images captured during the program will be used for promotional purposes on Zoo Negara Malaysia website and Social Media sites. Please inform us in advance if you do not wish to have you/your children's photos used for promotional purposes.
By submitting this online form, I hereby confirm that I have READ and UNDERSTAND the above Terms & Conditions. I understand that my participation in the program will be terminated if the above Terms & Conditions are not followed.
We value your opinions and insights. Further, we kindly ask you to take a moment to provide us with your feedback. Your responses will help us improve our program and ensure that we continue to meet your expectations in the future. Please take a few minutes to fill out this feedback form at https://forms.gle/Xk1Jxzuxw6tbQNfY6
Thank you.