How to post a free event listing in Ticket2U?
In this article, we will explain how to get your free event listing live within minutes with Ticket2U. Be it just an event listing without registration, free registration or RSVP reservation event with free QR E-Ticket needed, you can do it free with Ticket2U, anytime, anywhere.
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Free Event Listing in Ticket2U
Free event listing in Ticket2U are equipped with basic e-ticketing featured that are more than enough for you to use and handle your event smoothly. For paid event, we can upgrade your basic settings to advanced features which equipped with promo code / discount settings, seating charts, ticket variants, tax in GST & SST, and even more for professional events, as well as dedicated event coordinator support to assist you. In this article, we will only focus on Ticket2U free event listing features.

Sample ticketing panel screenshot.

Sample create free event screenshot.

Sample free event with registration required. You may skip this if you just needed to post event listing without registration.

Sample basic form registration setup.

Sample publish setting with public or private with password settings.

Sample dashboard, affiliates and reporting management, full participants reports, transactions, modification, export features and more.

Sample event published. Available in mobile apps and mobile views.
Publishing a free event listing in Ticket2U only required minutes to create and live. All registration data are kept safe and only available at your account at 24/7, accessing from your fingertips, as well as 4 apps from Ticket2U, which is Ticket2U (For User & Organiser), Ticket2U Organiser, Ticket2U Check-In Manager, and Ticket2U Lead Manager.
Here are several features on free listing that you might be interested,
- Free QR E-Ticket, Email & PDF
- Free QR/Facial scan using Ticket2U Organiser App (Android, iPhone)
- 24/7 live dashboard, reporting, sales trend
- Export to CSV, Excel
- Ticket capacity control
- Public/Private event setting, or with Password access
- Free affiliates link for marketing and conversion tracking
- High SEO search rank
- Free Organiser Profile page
- Free Event QR Code and Short URL
Here are events that might be suitable to use Ticket2U free event listing,
- Small event or gathering shout-out with or without registration
- Free seminars and exhibitions, public fairs and expo
- Free conferences, launching, sharing, and meetings
- Activities such as sports, leisure, business or mall activations
- Replacing Google form with E-Ticket provided and capacity control + Ticket2U Check-In App
Here are why you need to use Ticket2U free event listing,
- No Google form, as you can't limit the capacity with Google form
- Using Ticket2U Check-In App can easily scan all E-Ticket issued once registration made. It's FREE!
- No unknown registration site, using Ticket2U, it ensure trusted platform as we will screen thru and protect our users from time to time. Ticket2U are the only platform in Malaysia that works with CTOS to ensure every event organiser and sellers are genuine
- High SEO ranking. SEO is the cheapest marketing ever but hard to build. With Ticket2U existing algorithm and SEO ready platform, you are assured that your event must be found on Google
- Eventbrite is good, but all you need is Ticket2U now. As we are locally support, existed, locally adapt and locally target for your audience and usage. We believe that one day, we can grow as good as Eventbrite
Create your free event listing now at
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