2 Sharing by Ticket2U Founder, YC Chia on how we survived from Covid-19

Here are 2 sharing will be held at 21st April 2020 and 22nd April 2020 from Ticket2U Founder, YC Chia

1. MCO @ HOME Series 2 (21st April 2020, 8.30pm)

The Why - Beyond Ticketing (YC Chia, Ticket2U)

1st sharing done. To view the complete interview, click here https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=695135137904494

2. 企业补习班 (22nd April 2020, 9pm)

EntreVestors 企业融资生态圈 - YC Chia, Founder of Ticket2U

现有科技如何应用在疫情中 - 二维码疫情追踪,人脸识别,体温监测

2nd sharing done. To view the complete interview, click here https://www.facebook.com/entrevestorsmy/videos/280860939582150/

https://www.ticket2u.com.my/blog/77/2 Sharing by Ticket2U Founder, YC Chia on how we survived from Covid-19

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