Flexible Rates for Ticket2U Event Organiser
In Ticket2U, it's flexible to adjust your event charges setting whether to put on the charges to buyer (pass-on), or absorb by the event organiser, or split the charges in flexible ways between the event organiser and buyer while check-out.
Standard Rate / Ticket Sales Charges by Ticket2U
There is nothing to hide about our rate and charges. As Malaysia No.1 Online Ticketing Platform trusted by millions, Ticket2U always transparent about our charges to event organiser with fair trade and no hidden charge. We have only one charges, Handling Fee on ticket sold, no setup fee, no withdrawal fee, no payment gateway fee, no any others hidden charges.
Lowest from RM2
We offered 6% or RM2 whichever higher at a standard rate, and -1%, which is 5% for charitable event. We accept almost all payment channels such as Credit / Debit Cards (VISA/Master), all online banking (FPX) and mojor E-Wallets available in Malaysia, that without put a different rates to you, the event organiser. Read more about Ticket2U Provide Extensive Payment Methods here.
I need a lower rate!
We have been always asked for lower rate option, or partnership and sponsorship rates. This is not something new to us as we are selling more than 300+ event monthly and in total of 13,000+ event hosted with us. We do have tier chart for our premium client who trusted us and been growing with us. Once your sales hit more than millions, we can talk.
3 Methods of Flexible Rate Settings
- Absorb Fee (Organiser absorb charges. Buyer pay ticket price exactly)
- Pass-On Fee (Pass the charges to buyer. Organiser pay nothing)
- Split Fee (Organiser choose to split / share the charges with buyer. Eg. 3%:3%, 2%:4%)
1. Absorb Fee by Event Organiser

As display above, this actually can be explained that event organiser had actually choose to absorb the fee charged by Ticket2U and Payment Gateway. This is the default setting and the most welcome setting by most event organiser to absorb the fee from buyer. For example at standard rate of 6%, a RM100 value ticket with absorb setting, buyer will pay RM100 exactly and the event organiser will received RM94 in pay-out. Click here to understand more about Creating Discount and Promo Code with Ticket2U.
2. Pass-On Fee by Event Organiser

Screenshot above shows a charity event with 5% charges and uses settings with Pass-On Fee to ticket buyer. Since our first day of operation, we always contribute into charitable event by giving -1% of our standard rate as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Ticket2U have been contributed millions of profit in supporting all charity events hosted with us. To explain further of charges on above scenario, the rate charges are at 5%, a RM50 value ticket with RM2.50 (5%) Pass-On to the buyer of total check-out of RM52.50. The event organiser will actually received RM50 in total of pay-out.
3. Split Fee between Event Organiser and Ticket Buyer
Split Fee is the least option will be choose by the event organiser to share the bill with their customer. This can be as flexible as for example of total rate is 6%, it can be split in 3%:3%, 2%:4%, 1%:5% or vice versa. Please talk to your dedicated event coordinator if you would like to choose this settings.
How much does it cost to sell at Ticket2u (Event Ticket)?
Read more this at https://www.ticket2u.com.my/fee