This article, we will learn on how to resume your event ticketing or businesses during this pandemic and movement control limitation. Here are five tips that might help you.
Point #1 - Online + Offline Event Appearances

After months of movement controls during this Covid-19 pandemic, we found that online events such as webinars and social media live streaming are no longer able to capture attention of most audiences. Many countries are now open for event such as meetings, conferences and exhibitions but in small scale and SOP applied. Making your event hybrid are the trend now! And this trend are possible to last for years. Try it!
Point #2 - Larger Space

Space is your first consideration to host an event to ensure safety distance between your participants and government Post Event SOP. The best practice to host larger crowd are choosing a large space, twice or triple than your previous selection. The most preferable advice are outdoor venue.
Point #3 - Data + Technology

Your event must be data driven without any manual handwrite to avoid hygiene and possible to spread of viruses from letting your guess to touch anything. Use Ticket2U Online Registration, E-Invitation, QR Code / Facial Check-In, Guest Monitoring, Digital Lucky Draw, Digital Treasure Hunt, Business Matching App, Digital Poll and Survey and many more. Big data is the only thing can track, follow-up, and even healthy monitoring or post event check-up to ensure a safety event hosted. The best benefit by adopting technology on your event are providing the most important experiences to your participants is, QUEUE-LESS Check-In.
Point #4 - Short but Rich Content

Make your event schedule as short possible, but with rich content. Wipe out all unnecessary long introduction, entertainment programs or speeches. Get straight to the point as most guess come for the event are mainly for achievements, learn or networking. Remember, short but rich!
Point #5 - Quality Audience

Being in event industry, we found that most event organizer or clients, focus more on high numbers of participants rather than quality participants. On this pandemic, allowing small events to be host are lucky enough. Stop focus on quantity anymore. Filter them, invite the quality one, who bring more leads, and sales for your events.